vampire von abgemeldet (an epic Vincent/Yazoo vampire story) ================================================================================ Kapitel 36: ------------ 36 Vincent climbed up the stairs with his nose stuck in an old book he had just taken from their growing library. They had settled in well, enjoying the uneventfull and quiet nights together after their rather loud and stressing parties before. They had decided that this time they would stay away from the town, just going there for hunts or necessary supplies. They were all alone in their castle, even refraing from having any servants or maids. They didn´t need much anyway, and the dust was swept away within seconds whenever they felt like it. A big kettle with hot water was always sitting over a fire that was constantly fueled by a simple mechanism Yazoo had thought up in one of his more bored moods, so there was always enough water for baths and their victims. As Vincent had suggested, they also refrained from renting a house in the town and instead just took the mortals home with them. There was a huge dungeon they could drop the dead bodies into. As for the food for their ‘guests’, they had stored several wine barrels in the cellar as well as bread and some durable dishes they would replenish every second week. Really, it had been two very peaceful months both of them needed. Vincent had caught his lover a few times with a concentrated look on his face, apparently trying to force the transformation act to his will, but after a few times he had just given up, shrugging indifferently. The rest of the nights had been spent in the library reading and discussing, or lying on the balcony of the bedroom, where Vincent taught the other all about astronomics and constellations he knew, their figures looking up into the crystalclear nigtsky and spilled silver and ebony hair interwining. Sometimes they would just stay in bed for a whole night, exploring what their bodies were capable of and finding that it was quite a bit that was worthwhile being studied very intensily. On occasions they would relocate their sessions to the bath tub and once in a while they just spontaniously made out where they happened to be that very moment. Vincent strode down the corridor on steady feet, finding his way without wavering, even though to the human eye it was pitch black in the hallway. But the vampire didn´t even have to look up from his book to find his way to the salon. Yazoo should have come back from his hunt by now and be done with everything, so it was about time that they could settle down before the fireplace and continue their discussion about their new precious book, ‘Theogony’ by the greek poet Hesiod. Their positions had diverged over the tale of Promtheus, the god that had opposed the godfather Zeus and brought fire to the mortals. Vincent was convinced that Prometheus´ betrayal had let him to be abandoned and punished and that he was a wretched being who had failed his god and deserved the punishment he had gotten. Yazoo on the other hand took the view that this was very questionable since later versions of the story, especially Echitod´s, proofed that Prometheus had become a hero and only did what he thought was necessary and that morals could change quite a bit, depending on the circumstances. However, dawn had come before they had been able to discuss the entire matter and Vincent had taken the time to research and strenghten his arguments. As he opened the doors to the salon, he had to notice that Yazoo wasn´t done with his victim yet and he let his hand that held the book sink down upon the strange sight that greeted him. His lover was sitting in his chair at the end of the table, looking impatient and boredly drumming with his hands on the armrest. Opposite him sat an exotic looking girl with short black hair, a cloth wrapped around her forehead and dark almond eyes. The vampire reckoned her to be around 14 to 15 winters old, maybe less. She obviously was a foreigner, which her heavily accented talking confirmed. And boy was she talking! Vincent didn´t even understand half the things she said, because she was stuffing herself with the prepared meal at the same time, but she did so very agitatedly, occasionally waving with her chicken wing and energetically pointing it at Yazoo. Her youthful face was glistening with fat and crumbs sticking to it, as she took a big sip from the cup of water before her and instantly blabbered again as soon as she had gulped it down. But what irritated the vampire most was that he could absolutely detect no malice coming from here. There was mischiev radiating from her feisty form, but otherwise he could not see what would justify her being here. Clearing his throat to announce his presence, Vincent threw his student a meaningful look as the teen´s eyes shifted towards him. “Good evening. I am very sorry to interrupt you, but could I just borrow your attention for a minute?” The girl stopped eating and talking for a second, looking at him disinterestedly, then shrugged and concentrated back on her meal, mumbling something to herself in a foreign language. Yazoo seemed quite eager to get away from her presence and joined his master to the shadowed corner he had occupied, saying “I´m sorry, it is a bit demanding. I will get this done with right now.” “Wait,” the other ordered, leaning his arm against a shelf and pinching the bridge of his nose. The constant noise she was making caused him a headache, but he inquired about Yazoo´s reasoning for taking her here nonetheless. Being annoying had never been a criteria for becoming their victim and Yazoo knew this very well.”Why did you bring her here? She obviously is not of ill nature.” “Oh?” Yazoo made, folding his arms over his chest and declaring “I am sorry to correct you here, but it is apparently of the worst scum that has ever walked the earth. I can assure you that it is far beyond redemption and that we would do mankind a favor if we got rid of it.” “Really,” the other vampire said, sounding not very convinced and sparing her another glance. “And what makes you think so?” “Well,” Yazoo suddenly looked very dark “the wretched little thing picked my pocket as I was just searching for a suitable victim.” Vincent stared blankly at him for a few seconds, before he announced “I am… sorry to hear that, but this is no reason to drink her blood.” Yazoo gave him an even darker look. “So, what do you suggest I am doing then? It already cleared half of our stocks. And I am really thirsty now.” His pissed attitude also indicated that he was more than ready to shut her annoying little trap just for good measure. Vincent just shook his head. “I am sorry but you will erase her memory and bring her back at once. It is your own fault for letting your judgement be clouded by personal grudges.” Yazoo sent the girl a withering glare, as his eyes widened a fraction. “Well,” he slowly said “I think that won´t be necessary anylonger, given that it has already decided to leave on its own.” A red gaze snapped towards the empty table and a shared groan emitted from the two vampires. * Yuffi was bouncing through the dark halls, chewing at her chicken bone she had taken with her and opening one door after the other to see if it inheritted something of value. Really, people in this country were just so dumb! No one in his right mind would take a complete stranger to their fancy homes, even less so after they had caught her picking their pockets! Though she had to admit that the silver haired youth had been quite perceptive, she usually didn´t get caught… But he had been too tempting, sauntering through the dark and narrow alleys with this arrogant and snot-nosed attitude of his, as if nothing could harm or touch him at all. When Yuffi had noticed him, her fingers had instantly twitched and she had run past him, colliding with his slim figure and mumbling a short excuse. Then she had vanished into the next side alley with his heavy, gold coined bag. Snickering, she had run through the labyrinth of crumbled houses and narrow streets until she was certain that he could not have followed her. Sitting down in the mud and running her dirty fingers through the rattling coins, she had snickered and thought that she would be finally able to hire a ship that would bring her back home. But the next moment, the smug giggling had been stuck in her throat, as a firm hand grabbed her wrist and heaved her up, so that she had to let go of the soft brown leather bag and the coins had rolled into the mud. She had sheepishly laughed and scratched her head, only trying to buy time so that she could escape his wrath. It had turned out however, and much to Yuffies surprise, that he did not intend to hand her over to the authorities at all, instead telling her that he could understand her decision very well and that he had pity with her and would invite her to a decent meal. Inwardly Yuffi had snorted at his haughtyness, but outwardly she had flashed him a grateful smile and eagerly followed him to his carriage, that had waited outside the town. Now that had made her a little wary but then she had just shrugged of. He didn´t look like much of a big deal with his effimate features and the long hair and all, so she was certain she could handle him if he tried anything funny. But he hadn´t, not really. Well, the whole bathing thing had struck her a little odd, but then on the other hand it hadn´t. People in her homecountry were very serious about cleaning and keeping themself tidy. Coming to this country had been a shock to her, to say the least. Not only did the people relieve themselves where they stood, they were absolutely disgusting and often ill. No one cared for hygienics and the thing that had shocked her most was that even little children were drinking beer as soon as they ceased sucking from their mothers breasts, because it was healthier than the soiled, pissy water. Huffing, she peeked into another room. As soon as she had gathered enough things here she would make a run for the next harbour and go back home. This here really didn´t suit a princess… Though this castle was another thing altogether, if she thought about it. Okay, it was dark and she didn´t really see anything, but at least it was clean and the rich carpets and heavy velvet curtains impressed her quite a bit. Also most of the things here were made from gold and expensive wood. She weigthened a golden candlebearer in her little hand, giving it a scrutinizing look and then shrugged and put it back on the nightstand. Too heavy and bulky. “Are you done inspecting my estate now?” The sudden, deep voice behind her made Yuffi jump a little as she swirled around on her heels. Wiping of the dust from her cloths, she laughed sheepishly again, frowning that she hadn´heared him approach. The man was standing by the door, holding a litted candle bearer and calmly observing her. “Just take little look around,” she waved her arms beside her body in a restless manner and wipped on her heels back and forth. “Well, if you are done now, I would like to escort you back. It is late and your family must miss you by now.” A shadow flickered over the girl´s face biefly as she licked her lips. She hadn´t found much of value yet, at least not enough to ensure her journey back to her… family. “Yeah, uh they miss really.” She looked around the room again and then back at the ebony haired man. He looked a lot nicer than the other, she had to admit. Calm and mysterious. Understanding. “Well then, little Miss-” “Yuffi!” she beamed at him, giving an enthusiasic, deep bow and shooting back up. “What you name is?” The man seemed to contemplate if he should answer, but then he simply said “Vincent Valentine” and stepped to the side, gesturing with a hand for her to go ahead. Together they walked down the corridor, Vincent in a calm and composed manner, while Yuffi was bouncing beside him with her hands held behind her back (where she was still clinging to her chicken bone), expectantly looking at him and talking to him in one gush. “You nice, Yuffi like. Food great, you made? Like you house, is big and clean! You rich?” He didn´t answer even one of her questions, just walked beside her. She huffed and drew her crumped mouth into a pout. “You not hear me or so? That not nice, ignoring guest!” “I heard you very well,” the vampire said, his headache increasing. “The answer is no and yes.” Yuffi looked a little troubled by that but after a minute of intense thinking her face lightened up again. “Ah…Sorry, you still nice. So you rich and all. Give Yuffi money?” His steps faltered a little at that and he shot her a peculiar look, asking “Why should I do that?” “You say you bring home Yuffi, but Yuffis family be far far away. Go back very expensive.” She looked at him smugly, demandingly folding her arms over her chest. The vampire shook his head a little, more to himself. ”I am afraid this is a misunderstanding then. I will escort you back to wherever you are residing right now. This way please.” With his gloved hand Vincent gestured towards another corridor, but Yuffi didn´t even think about making another step, accusingly pointing a finger at him and declaring in a loud, heated voice “You lie then! You say you bring Yuffi back! You promise!” “I did not promise you anything,” the cloaked man corrected her. “You lie!” she persisted, almost poking her angry finger into his chest. “Well, if you want to think so,” Vincent replied, unfazed. She opened her mouth to shout something indignant, then closed it and finally settled with an angry “You not nice!!!” “After we have established that fact, may I ask you to kindly follow me to the carriage?” The girl stomped her foot down on the ground, turning her head away from him and declaring “Yuffi not going back.” “I beg your pardon?” Startled, the vampire looked at the sulking foreigner. “Yuffi not go back! City is dirty and people ill and want Yuffi to do disgusting things to old dirty men but Yuffi clever, Yuffi escape and now bad men search for Yuffi and kill her.” The vampire blinked at her once, twice, before slowly saying “Well, this is quite unfortunate forYuffi-” he shook his head in exasperation, correcting himself “for you, but I am afraid there is nothing I can-” “Please do bring Yuffi not back!!!” She suddenly clang to his coat, looking at him with big, pleading eyes and tears rolling down her cheek. Vincent made a step back in surprise. “Yuffi work here, you give Yuffi money, Yuffi can go home! Please?” She had let go of his coat and fell to her knees, bowing on the carpet. ”Please!” Vincent felt very uneasy, trying to make her get up by gently taking her by the arm, but she just shook him off, clinging to her bowing position on the carpet. “Please!” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ich hatte so einen SPASS mit diesem Kapitel (und dem nächsten) XD Yuffi is einfach herrlich^^ Xyleel: Nee, wahrscheinlich passiert ihm das wirklich nich oft^^ War ja auch leicht angefressen, der Gute... Mir ist auch aufgefallen dass ich mich etwas zurükgehalten habe, Yazoo und Vincent mal etwas 'kuscheliger' darzustellen. Aber das kommt noch, ich schreib sowas gerne, weil ich denke dass es mittlerweile auch angebracht ist. Ich werd da wahrscheinlich noch ein paar Szenen in den früheren Kapiteln ausbauen, mal sehen wo es passt. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (