vampire von abgemeldet (an epic Vincent/Yazoo vampire story) ================================================================================ Kapitel 35: ------------ 35 After they were back at the tomb, Yazoo leaned against his coffin in a sitting position, eyes still dazed. Sephiroth crouched down before him with a satisfied, sheming smile, holding the vampire´s chin in one hand to make him look up into his own face. With an enticing, whispered purr into the others ear, he finally revealed his true intention. “That was good, was it not? You can have that every night, you know? As much as you want it, whenever you want it. No ridiculous, pointless restrictions anymore. If you come with me, you shall never experience hunger ever again.” His soft lips brushed over the teens sensitive ear, making him shudder a little as he tilted his head to the side in an attempt to scurry away from the tickling sensation. “I will teach you everything I know, everything you need to become powerful and be able to defend yourself on your own. I will give you power, blood and neverending pleasure. Beside me you will rule over the wretched race that are mortals.” Yazoo´s hazy eyes shifted towards the other´s face, that had come close to his own now and graced him with an inviting smile. “What do you say?” “Hn,” the boy made, looking to the side again and then smoothly replying. “I have to admit that your offer sounds rather tempting.” The smile grew a little larger and almost triumphant. “But I´m afraid I have to decline it, though.” “And why is that,” Sephiroth inquired after a pause, the smile vanishing in favor of a cold look. “You honestly want to stay with a man that keeps you guessing about the true potential of your abilities, denying you power for his own selfish purposes?” “Yes,” Yazoo smirked, sensing the other vampire´s upcoming anger. “I do not wish for power as badly as you may think. Actually, I´m quite satisfied with simply being by his side. I have no ambitions to rule or leave him whatsoever. It may be true that Vincent does not tell me much, but I assume that he has good reasons for it.” “Well, you are much more of a fool than I thought. Valentine´s attitude must have rubbed of on you quite a bit. It´s a pity though, you have great potential,” Sephiroth answered coldly, holding the boy´s face in a now iron grip, as his frosty gaze seized him up. An indifferent “Hn,” was the only reply he got. Letting go of the other vampire´s chin, the older man rose to his feet again. “Well, it can´t be helped then. Shall you ever change your mind, however, I will receive you with open arms. Think about it.” And with a last cold glance over his shoulders he was gone. * Vincent leaned against a cold stonewall at the foggy peers, breathing heavily and scanning the surroundings for his enemies with blazing eyes. He should have know that Sephiroth would try something outrageous again. The trap had been so obvious, but his concerns for their well being had clouded his reasoning too much as that he could have refused the man´s offer to meet at the harbor. Upon arriving at the empty peers he´d instantly been attacked by Sephiroth´s spawn. It wouldn´t have been such a big problem, they were weak, 50 years old at most. But they had been many, attacking him from all sides, not leaving any opening for him to escape and he had had no other choice but to fight them head on. That they were immortal and almost all of them still children had complicated the situation even further. The bastard had anticipated that he would have qualms to try to kill mere children and confided in that. Well, Sephiroth had underestimated his will to safe both him and his pupil quite a bit and so the sea was soon bloody and filled with various torn limbs. Although Vincent did not kill them, he injured them severly enough to make them unable to fight, not wanting to waste his energy on the small fry. As it seemed, the attacks had ceased, and pushing himself from the wall, Vincent finally found the time to concentrate and leave the harbour, appearing in his tomb only seconds after he had vanished from the stormy sea. Worriedly, he turned around in the dark crypt, preparing for his fight with Sephiroth, but there was no sign of the man whatsoever. Only Yazoo was lying heavily against his coffin, looking groggy, but fortunately unharmed. With narrowed eyes Vincent had to notice that he looked indeed rather satisfied and pleased, and the great amount of blood running through his body made the vampire think that he wasn´t sure if he wanted to know what had happened. “Yazoo?” He shook his lover´s shoulder a little forcefully and blissful eyes shifted towards him. “Hm?” Upon seeing his master, apparently safe and sound, the youth´s face brightened even more. “Vincent! You´re back…” His eyes clouded again, the blood still holding him in its mesmerizing grip. “What happened here?” Shaking his head, the vampire crouched down, helping his student up from the ground. “Forget about that now, we will leave to a safe place first.” Wrapping one arm around Yazoo´s waist, he led him out of the tomb with a grim expression and after sending him in a deep slumber, spread his wings to finally make it to one of his hideouts. * “I see.” Vincent tiredly rubbed his temple, sitting in his seat at the large dinner table of their new estate. In a few sentences Yazoo had summed up to him about his encounter with Sephiroth the previous night. A warm fire was crackling in the open chimney, providing the only light and casting the room in dark shadows. Outside a snowstorm was howling and angrily blewing around the old castle. Yazoo was sitting at the other end of the table in a similar armchair, legs crossed and idly looking into the flames. “So his intention was to abet you and then take you away from me…” Vincent shook his head bitterly. “This is just like him.” Yazoo remained silent, his eyes moving over to his distraught mentor. “Well, I am glad that you saw through his sheming and refused his offer,” the red cloaked vampire said in a friendly manner, looking up to his lover, who just nodded and focused his attention on the carpet. “Is something wrong?” Furrowing his brows, Vincent gave the other a scrutinizing look. Yazoo had been strange all night, unceremoniously sucked out the human Vincent had brought him and being even more taciturn than usual. “Is there something bothering you?” His eyes narrowed suspiciously as Yazoo shirked from his look again, pretending to watch the flames, and quietly saying “Hn. There is something that made me think. Albeit his intentions might be questionable, some of the things Sephiroth said…made some sense, though.” “I see,” the other said calmly. “Then, will you tell me what bothers you please? Do not hesitate to share your concerns with me, I will not become angry or think bad of you.” Yazoo shot his partner a doubtful look that was answered with a warm one. “You have my word. If you keep it to yourself, he will achieve his goal at least partially and drive you away from me. I do not wish for that, Yazoo, I already told you, did I not?” Hesitantly the silver haired young man nodded, remembering two nights ago and Vincent´s extraordinary farewell. “Come here and tell me.” Rising from his seat the vampire strode towards the other and was pulled into his lap. Leaning his head on Vincent´s shoulder, Yazoo still looked into the flames, figuring out what it was exactly he wanted to say, until he finally opened his mouth. “You know I trust you. I do not think that any of your decisions are meant to harm me, even though I do not comprehend them. But I am wondering why you hide crucial information from me.” “Such as?” the vampire asked gently, observing his lovers expressionless face. “Why did you not tell me that there are others like us?” “Well…” the other squirmed “You never asked.” After a strange look from his student he added, looking a little guilty “They are wretched creatures I did not wish you to know about, as you have clearly experienced yourself now.” “Why? So that they would not tell me things about us that were inconvenient for you?” “No,” the vampire sighed, tightening his embrace to calm his upset pupil. “Now tell me, what did he tell you?” “That larger amounts of blood make us stronger,”came the pouty reply. “I see,” Vincent said quietly, thinking about his answer for quite a while. “I have to admit that the consumption of more blood will lead to increased physical strenght.” Upon seeing the sourly lifted eyebrow of his lover, he continued, taking Yazoo´s hand between his own gloved fingers “However, my reason for restricting your intake of blood does not result from ill will. Although more blood might make you stronger, it also will make you feral. The physical power will be attained for the price of the ability of self controle and restrain. Those who give in to their urges are nothing more than animals, only driven by their primal instincts, and in the end they are even weaker than we, because they are slaves to their own thirst.” “Sephiroth didn´t seem much of a weakling to me, both physical and mental.” Yazoo countered, sounding sarcastic, but also a little appeased. “Do not be deceived by his sophisticated and controlled appearance, Yazoo. He might seem superiour and powerful but inside he has been driven insane by rage and a blinding lust for revenge. In the end, he is quite a pitiful creature.” The vampire sighed, stroking over the back of Yazoo´s hand, and inquiring “Is there something else?” “Yes. He spoke of some kind of transformation I should do and he did not mean my change into a blood drinker.” Vincent nodded, reluctantly, and asked carefully. “What did he tell you about it?” “Nothing,” Yazoo replied, making a dismissive gesture with his hand “Only that I would find out sooner or later myself.” “Hm. I am inclined to agree with him for once,” the vampire tried, but after the frosty glare he received, he sighed. “It is nothing that can be explained, it is something that must be experienced. But I can tell you at least this much: It is not a pleasant act, even though you will achieve the ability to fly. It also cannot be trained. If you are ready for it, it will show itself.” Vincent did not like the interested flicker in his lovers eyes. One thing that had detered him from ever creating an offspring had been the transformation… They remained silent in their chair for a while, listening to the fire and the storm outside, heads leaned against another and just enjoying the quiet. Vincent had decided that they would change their plans and go underground for a while, until things had calmed down a little. He assumed that one reason Sephiroth had found him, was of course that he had sauntered in puplic openly. And he didn´t need another visit from the man. Nor did Yazoo, decidedly. “There is just another thing,” Yazoo spoke up again, shifting a little. “Go ahead please.” “Sephiroth… He spoke of some woman you were bemoaning.” The vampire underneath him stiffened considerably, his fingers stopping to stroke over Yazoo´s hand. “What did he mean by that?” There was no answer, and the young man lifted his head a little to glance at his mentors expression with suspicious eyes. “Vincent?” The vampire crept deeper into his collar, looking very uneasy and indeed pained. But finally he tilted his head a little, watching their interwinded fingers and said calmly. “Yes, he is right. There once had been a woman I dedicated my heart to.” The youth´s eyes flared dangerously, but before he could say something, the other continued. “But she is gone for a long time now, Sephiroth made sure of that.” His lips pressed into a thin, bitter line, as his fingers clenched painfully around Yazoo´s hand for a moment. “Why would he do such a thing?” Yazoo asked, inwardly making a mental note that he had to give the man a good handshake for killing that bitch next time they met. Vincent pressed his lips together even tighter, looking into the fire and for a moment it seemed as if he would just refuse to answer the question. “I killed his mother and maker.” Yazoo´s eyes widened. Vincent had done such a think? “But why?” “She was a bloodlusty, wretched being that killed only for the pleasure of it. I could not tolerate such actions.” Oh well. Now that seemed more like Vincent. “However it drove her son mad, and since that time his only goal is to make my time as miserable as he can to take his revenge. That is why he tried to take you away from me. He knows that I could not bear it again.” “I will go nowhere,” Yazoo informed his lover matter-of-factly, cuddling a little tighter. “I know,” the vampire returned, pressing his lips against the dead teenagers hand. The vampire lifted an eyebrow, haughtily asking “Oh? And what makes you so certain about that?” “Because,” Vincent smiled wryly, though it was full of warmth “the only thing that surpasses my obsession with you, is your devotion to me.” Yazoo looked right to counter something sarcastic, but then closed his mouth and just shrugged. There was no arguing with the facts, was there. Instead he asked another question that preyed his mind. “Why did you not tell me anything of that earlier? I know next to nothing about your past.” “Does my past really matter that much?” the vampire quietly asked back. “Well yes it does, especially when some maniac suddenly pops up at our door and tries to turn things upside down,” the other countered sardonically. “…I can assure you that such a thing will not happen ever again,” Vincent murmured behind his collar. “Hn.” Yazoo did not look appeased at all. “Please understand,” Vincent sighed, rubbing his temple again, as he propped his head on his free hand. “I do not wish to hide anything from you. I just believe that my past does not matter to the current time. I admit that the encounter with Sephiroth was unfortunate but such a thing will not happen again. And if you might remember the night after they burned us out, we agreed to start over again, leaving the past behind. Can you not grant me that redemption?” Defeated, the other sighed. How could he not, if Vincent was practically begging him?! “So. I am the only one you´re loving now?” he asked with a lifted brow. Just to be sure here. This was all a bit confusing. “Yes,” the other vampire admitted after a moment of silence. “Well it´s good to know that the feeling is mutual,” Yazoo observed in that impassible manner of his, picking a lint from his trousers with pointy fingers and then adding, for he thought that he could maybe use the opportunity of the moment, spotting his most charming smile “May I request, though, that we switch from one victim per night to two?” “Of course,” the cloaked vampire said, lifting an eyebrow, “as soon as you have learned to split your thirst on two victims. The amount of blood taken will remain the same of course.” “Hn.” Shaking his head, the younger smirked behind his hair. Some things just wouldn´t change. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heh, des hat wohl nich so geklappt, wie sich das der Sephy vorgestellt hat^^ Übrigens vielen Dank an alle, die diese Story lesen und ge'faved' haben (urgh, gibbet dafür kein deutsches Äquivalent?...)! Xyleel: Haha, ja Sephy ist... das inkarnierte Böse^^ Alter Stinkstiefel... Aber Yazoo ist ja ein cleveres Bürschchen, der lässt sich nicht so leicht einwickeln. Außerdem ist Vincent sein raison d'etre, das wirft man nicht mal so eben weg... Aber ein Glück hat der Kerl, man reißt sich ja praktisch um ihn XD Find ich gut, schrei Pfui! so laut du kannst! Hosted by Animexx e.V. (