vampire von abgemeldet (an epic Vincent/Yazoo vampire story) ================================================================================ Kapitel 33: ------------ 33 Two relatively peaceful years followed, before they decided that it was time to leave and settle down in a new city. Although everything went well and their parties continued, time was flying by and everyone aged, excluding the two vampires. As of now, no one had noticed the lack of wrinkles and maturing of their bodies, but it couldn´t be long until they would. Also the proposals for marriage had become more frequent and Yazoo´s excuses became more and more uncomprehendable. All of his ‘friends’ had already married and fathered at least one child (including Rufus Shinra, who had gotten himself a girl by the name of Elena). So they announced one night that their next party would be the last and that they had decided to leave town. The news caused much confusion and bewilderment amongst their guests as well as many attempts to coax them to rethink their decision. The mayor even offered Vincent the profitable job as his vice, not caring that his son had already inheritted this position, but the vampire politely refused. So it was that the athmosphere was a lot more chastened than usual, and got even more gloomy towards the end of the night. Yazoo was doing his best to entertain his guests, mainly because he was bored and in his mind already on the journey towards their new destination. Vincent didn´t feel less restless and though his calm and patient face did not show it, he was quite unnerved by the constant wailing and the attempts to change his mind in the last second. He had just escorted the first guests outside and came back to sit in his seat to disinterestedly listen to the conversation his group had, when a murmur went through the crowd and caught his interest. And to his utter horror, a man calmly strode through the hall. But it wasn´t just any man. This one was at least as tall as Vincent himself. He was glad in black boots and black velvet trousers. His white shirt was opened at the collar, leaving a triangle of his white, hairless chest. A long black coat was fluttering around him, making his appearance even more impressive, if his kneelenght silver hair and his beautiful face hadn´t already done so. He carried himself through the hall with natural elegance and grace, holding himself high and composed. Another remarkable trade of the uninvited guest was that he had absolutely and most certainly no heartbeat. Slowly, Vincent rose to his feet, his fingers cramped around the armrests. Of all people…! At last the vampire came to stand before Vincent and with a polite and small nod of his head, said in pleasantly low voice “It has been a while.” The ebony haired vampire didn´t fail to notice the malice in the other´s voice, that occupied his tone naturally, though the rest of the group hadn´t heared it, only curiously eyeing the man. “It has been a while indeed. I did not expect to meet you so soon again,” Vincent said slowly, his eyes frostily staring at his guest and making his silent message clear that he was less then welcome. “Oh, me neither. But I happened to just be around, so I thought: Why not go to see an old friend?” To the knowing eye it would have been more than obvious that these two were anything but friends. Vincent remained silent, too shocked to be confronted with his arch enemy, as suddenly a heavy hand landed on his shoulder, and the alcohol-red face of the mayor appeared beside him. “Ah, Valentine, won´t you introduce your friend to us, he seems quite a fine man.” The silver haired vampire graced him with a bitter sweet smile and Vincent tightly stated “This is Sephiroth, an old acquaintance of mine. And these are my precious guests.” He layed a warning emphasize on ‘precious’ just so that Sephiroth knew that he would not tolerate a bloodbath here. “I see you have surrounded yourself with extraordinary men,” the vampire commented friendly, his eyes radiating biting sarcasm. “I believe that you did not come to join my celebration, therefore I assume that we discuss whatever matter you have in mind in more private quarters,” Vincent offered, his eyes briefly scimming the room for Yazoo. Fortunately he was outside in the garden and hadn´t noticed their special guest yet, and Vincent was very determined to establish that fact. “But why, these gentlemen seem rather eager to have a conversation with me.” Sephiroth gestured towards the men in their seats who had already gotten an extra chair. “This way please,” Vincent replied curtly, motioning in the opposite direction towards the stairs. Despite his expectation the man even complied, bowing before the disappointed party apologetically and following the other vampire to his quarters. Vincent lead him towards a salon with expensive mahogany furniture and gestured for him to take a seat in one of the red- golden velvet chairs in front of the enflamed fireplace.Before he sat down in a chair opposite to his unwelcome guest, he went into the corridor again and ordered a maid that she was to leave them alone and in case that Yazoo asked about his whereabouts had to tell him that he had to stay away. “What do you want?” Not feeling much like small talk, Vincent decided to go straight down to business and then get rid of the vampire as fast as he could. “Why, I think I already stated my business,” the other replied still friendly, mustering the man opposite him with cold hatred. “Like I said, I just happened to pass this town and decided to pay a visit. Although I must say that I am quite astonished to find you in these surroundings.” He made a gesture through the room, adding with open hostility, even if his voice was still calm “The last time I saw you, you were wailing in a dirty little cellarhole. And I must say, that suited you much better.” Vincent remained silent, not planning on letting the other man get a rise out of him. “But surrounding yourself with disgusting humans suits you quite well, too. You have always been like this, have you not? Having pity with them and oh so desperately clinging to your humanity… Really, of all the people I have met, be it humans or our kind, you are still by far the most pathetic.” Vincent slowly leaned his head against his knuckles, propping his arm on the armrest and lifted an eyebrow, giving an immensily bored impression. “As you probably already know, I am rather displeased by that development, though.” Sephiroth drummed with his fingers on the armrest. “Why do you not tell me what brought about that dramatic change, so I can send you back into the world of pain and despair you belong to?” He offered a wry smile. Just as Vincent opened his mouth to make a witty and acrid reply, the door opened and silent footsteps apporached. “Excuse me, the mayor said that you had left with a new guest?” Coming to stand behind his masters chair, Yazoo tilted his head in question, mustering the silver haired man in front of him and then voicing his utter bewilderment with narrowed eyes. “Vincent. Why does this man have no heartbeat.” It was just fair to say that Sephiroth was at least as equally surprised to see another blooddrinker in the room, his mouth hanging open slightly and his cruel eyes widening. If it hadn´t been such a very unfortunate and dangerous situation, Vincent would have probably smirked, but so he looked just as equally shocked as the other two. But being at least prepared for the possibility of an encounter he also regained his composure first. “Yazoo. Go to your coffin and wait for me there.” Apparently the younger vampire just blatantly ignored him as he continued to look at the man, repeatedly confirming and assuring himself that he was dead. “NOW!” Yazoo flinched at the bellowed order and hesitantly backed out of the room, head tilted in confusion. Vincent had meanwhile risen from his chair, saying tightly into his guests direction. “Our conversation ends here. I will escort you to the door now.” Sephiroth blinked, once, twice, until he finally got out of his chair too and slowly a very delighted and very cruel smile graced his lips. “I see now,” he declared portentously. “If you so much as harm a hair on his head…” the other vampire growled threateningly, his red eyes blazing dangerously and with utter homicidal intention. “Oh, you do me injustice, I would never even think about harming your little friend…” Sephiroth purred. “However, I see that we still have something to discuss here. I will therefore meet you tomorrow at the harbour. And do not dare to be absent, or I will seriously reconsider my decision concerning your spawn.” And with a last warning look he dissolved into thin air. + “Who was this?” was the first thing Vincent heard upon entering the tomb they had placed their new coffins in. Yazoo approached him, quite agitated and firing his questions at him. “Why did he have no heartbeat? Is he like us? Why is he like us? You never told me there are others! Why did you not tell me? What did he want from you? Do you know him?” Vincent held the pacing young man by the shoulders to still his movements and make him shut up. It wasn´t like he didn´t understand Yazoo´s agitation and confusion, frankly he was quite upset himself, but now was no time for great discussions. “Yazoo, listen to me. It does not matter who this man is or why I know him, but yes, he is like us and he is very, very dangerous.” The grave and intense tone of his master made the youth´s eyes widen. It couldn´t be that Vincent was… afraid? Vincent never feared anything, he was the most daunting person on earth himself! Or… was he? “Whatever happens, do not listen to him, do not believe him, do not talk to him at all! You will leave tomorrow as soon as you wake up, there is no time to waste! You have to do a night without blood if necessary. Leave everything behind and take the carriage without me, I will follow as soon as I am done here.” “But-” “JUST DO IT!” Vincent flared up, eyes blazing again as he bared his fangs at his lover who flinched away from him, eyes even wider. Noticing that he was seriously frightening Yazoo with his strange behavior the vampire let out a pained groan and pulled the boy into a bone crushingly tight embrace. “I am sorry. Please trust me and do as I said, will you?” Still sceptical, Yazoo wrapped his arms around the other mans hips and gave a short nod. “Thank you.” The vampire pulled the other into an almost desperate kiss, then letting go and saying “It is time, get in the coffin.” As Yazoo had laid down, waiting for Vincent to close the lid, the vampire looked down at him with an unfathomable expression. “Remember:do not waste any time and leave as soon as you wake up." He made a brief pause and then added in an almost bitter tone "I love you.” And now that made all alarming bells in the silver haired teen´s head shrill full force, because if Vincent was confessing to him like this, the world definitely must have come to an end! Before he could react however, the lid shut close and he fell into suspence, his face a mask of utter horror. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Juhu, Sephy ist auch endlich da und macht ärger! Und Vinny hat´s gesahagt^^ Ich hoffe, es kam nicht zu OOC rüber. Aber irgendwie scheint er mir so der Typ zu sein, der kein Problem damit hat solche Dinge zu sagen, wenn er es für richtig hält... Xyleel: Hehe, Vincent ist immer süß ;) Naja und Rufus ist halt... Rufus. Wie du schon sagtest^^ Manipulativ und verzogen, aber ziemlich gerissen. Danke übrigens für den Link, den kannte ich noch gar nicht! Muss relativ neu sein, die Seite, ich hoffe dass die alte Liebe bei einigen Zeichnern mal wieder aufflammt (vor allem bei s+pade. die malt zwar noch, aber das ist mehr so gekritzel). Hat mich übrigens etwas verwundert, hab glaub ich noch nie ne japanische Yazoo/Kadaj Seite gesehen. Aber die sind süß die beiden^^ Ich glaube wir können froh sein, dass sie überhaupt nackte Shinentai in ACC zeigen XD Ich glaub völlig nackig und in scharf wäre dann selbst den Herren Animatoren etwas zuviel fanservice geworden. Wollen ja schließlich nicht die männlichen Fans vertreiben. Ich hätt trotzdem nix dagegen gehabt *traurig seufz* Sag mal weißt du ganz zufälligerweise wo man s+pades doujinshi herbekommt? Ich hab das ganze Netz abgegrast und nix gefunden :( Hosted by Animexx e.V. (