vampire von abgemeldet (an epic Vincent/Yazoo vampire story) ================================================================================ Kapitel 30: ------------ 30 Vincent fought his way through the smoky tunnel, one arm held up before his pale face to shield it from the heat while he stubbornly inched forward with furrowed brows. He still could make it in time, just a little further… Finally his other hand, that wandered over the walls, felt the mechanism and after a second he was faced with an inferno of flames, angrily reaching out for him. Hissing, he shieled his face with both arms, frantically searching for the coffin in the blazing room. There it was! And it hadn´t been claimed by the flames yet. With inhuman speed Vincent leaped forward, grabbing Yazoo´s burial case by the sides and dragging it through the growing flames. It became critical however, when he tried to pull it into the relatively save but tight tunnel. With all the power he could summon (and that was quite a bit), the vampire braced his feet against the ground and pulled at the bulky item. He would be damned if he didn´t get it out now, it was only a little further! The first flames started to lick at the coffin´s back, the dry wood soon braising and hissing. With gritted teeth, Vincent pulled and pushed at the coffin even more desperately, his face smeared with soot. He couldn´t just give up now! It was the last thing that reminded him of her, the last thing of her belongings she had left behind… The flames reached the coffin´s middle part by now as the back was fully ablaze. The heat eventually made the vampire withdraw, hurrying out of the tunnel as a darting flame erupted in the room where an oil lamp had caught fire and trailed behind the fleeing man. He rolled outside just in time before the fire could catch up to him. Coming to his feet he watched with a tight expression as the thick black smoke billowed out of the cavern, rolling into the nightsky where the wind disrupted it and blew it away. The vampire stood there for another five minutes -trying to process his loss- before something else came to mind and he shook his head. He couldn´t affort the luxury of griefing right now, they had to go away from here, fast! Swaying around, he wanted to help his lover up, but in the next moment he had to find out that there was no sign of Yazoo whatsoever. Bewildered, and his mouth building a grave line, Vincent turned in a fast circle to see if the boy probably had hidden between the rocks, but inwardly he already knew that this wasn´t the case. If anything, Yazoo had gone hunting. Cursing under his breath, the vampire reached out his mental claws and searched the area until he could sense him some a mile up the hill. And aparently he wasn´t alone, as the metalic scent of blood also hit Vincents nose. Without wasting more precious time the vampire ran towards the place where his lover was right now, resisting the urge to just spread his wings and make a fly for it. But the moon was coming out from behind the clouds again and would have made him a very visible silouette against the sky. With gritted teeth he made his way through the woods, trying to get in contact with the bloodhound that he had sent in this area, but the beast wasn´t alive anymore and hence unable to provide him with the much needed information. Vincent could feel another presence approaching too, being quite ahead of him and by now they must have already met with his partner. And this was bad, because if he could trust his senses -and they had never before failed him- the person in question was none other than Cloud Strife himself. The sight that greeted the cloaked vampire upon reaching their meeting place was rather gory. A dead dog, who had been ripped in half, was lying a few feet away, tongue hanging out of his yap and his intestines flowing out from the other end of his smashed body. The ground was slippery with blood and guts. Two men were lying around in the mess, obviously dead, as their throats had been torn open. One didn´t need to be a rocket scientist to figure out who was responsible for that. One of the man was clinging to his useless cross, but his face was hidden by a pair of booted feet that sturdily stood on the ground. Grimly, Cloud Strife held his cross in front of him, albeit he was a lot more calmer than the last time they had met. Yazoo was leaning against a tree, shielding his eyes from the blinding light that radiated from the holy item and that only he and Vincent could see. The older vampire was beside him in an instant, pulling his red cloak over the hunched figure and glowering at Cloud, who had raised his other hand too, which held another cross. “Back, back into the pits of hell you came from, demons!” he intoned almost solemnly, slowly coming towards them. Vincent observed him calmly, trying to negotiate. He really would have rather not to kill the boy. Actually he even could comprehend his intense craving for revenge. But he would definitely do it, if he must. “Cloud Strife, put away your childish toys and we will leave this place at once. You have my word that your acquaintances will experience no harm from us. I also promise that we will not come back here.” “Don´t waste your breath, demon. There is no validity to your mendacious words; the last time you promised me something I found my bride dead three days later, killed by your spawn!” The young man had become quite agitated as he steadily made his way towards them. “It was an accident,” the vampire tried to soothe the boy with calm words, feeling Yazoo shy away from the approaching light. Even after the blood of two victims he hadn´t fully recovered yet. And being so very young as a vampire, the cross was doing serious harm to him. “An accident!” Cloud laughed bitterly, but then his face became grave again, “If you want to call it that, you can call your own deaths an accident as well!” He jumped forward to thrust his crosses into the raven haired vampire´s undefended face, but found himself hitting a tree trunk instead. Dizzily he slid down the wood, loosening his grip around his weapons just for a brief moment, but for Vincent it was enough. He roughly pulled the young man back against the tree and the crosses fell in the dry grass, their blinding light dimming. “Now listen child, and listen well, for if you refuse to do as I tell you there will be no other instance,” the vampire growled, tightening his grip. “I do sympatize with your grief over a loved person´s loss, but I will not tolerate your childish revenge against my person or the ones under my custody. If I ever see your face again you will not survive our encounter, I can assure you of that.” He let go of the frightened man, who trembled under his demonic gaze as Vincent´s eyes started glowing and sharp teeth slid over full lips, just for good measure. “I see we understand each other.” As Cloud pressed himself against the tree with trembling legs, breathing heavy and shaky, Vincent made a few steps backwards, never leaving his eyes from the blond in case he attempted a stupid surprise attack when the vampire turned his back on him. Slowly the man bent down, gathering Yazoo- who had fallen into a state of half conciousness- in his arm, and spreading his wings, he bounced from the ground and vanished into the nightsky. * Green eyes slid open, slowly taking in the blurred surrounding. Something was… different, Yazoo thought drowsily. Not only was he greeted with mossy, wet stones and a cold drafty wind instead of the warm, candle lit and dry cellar. There was also a stench that was very much not the dusty one, smelling of old books and oil. This one was disgustingly sweet. What further added to his confusion was the fact that he wasn´t lying in his usual, velvet laced wooden coffin, but against uncomfortable grey stone. And he wasn´t alone. His gaze shifted to the side, where he was met with a broad, red cloaked chest. And then the young vampire also noticed the weight of an arm that embraced him. “I see you are awake,” the low voice of his master detected, as he moved a little to let his head rest against the back of the coffin and have a better look at his pupil´s face. “Hn,” a dazed half-nod was all Yazoo could manage, still confused and not quite fully awake yet. “How are you feeling?” “Fine, I think…” He blinked lazily, but then held his hand before his face as the meaning of his own words sunk in. “It´s gone.” Turning his hand around before his astonished eyes, he flexed his fingers twice. There was absolutley no trace of the cross shaped injury whatsoever, his palm was as white and unblemished as it had been before his painful encounter with the holy symbol. “Do you remember anything of the previous night?” the other vampire asked gently, taking the boy´s hand in his own and stroking with his thumb over its palm. After a moment of concentrated thinking, Yazoo finally shook his head a little, expectantly looking up for his master to explain the situation to him. By now he had noticed that they were in some kind of tomb; and an occupied grave at that, for the smell of rotten flesh made that fact almost indignantly apparant. “Well. A mob hunted us down, burned everything to the ground and then, after we barely escaped, I brought you here,” Vincent explained stiffly. Yazoo´s eyes widened a fraction in disbelieve, as he growled “Did you kill them?”, wisely refraining from pointing out ‘I told you so.’ “No. You did, two of them.” The young vampire snorted, not feeling any satisfaction at all. “Where is ‘here’?” “Does it matter?” Vincent replied tiredly. “No,” Yazoo said, sensing his master´s deep distress, and after a while asking carefully. “It was Strife, wasn´t it?” “Yes.” “Hn,” Yazoo shifted his head a little, so that it rested against the other man´s chest more comfortably. “I should have known.” They just lied there for a while, both of them occupied with their own thoughts, until Vincent´s deep voice echoed through the dark crypt again. “Do you miss her?”. There was no need to point out that the recently deceased Aeris was meant, but the older vampire assumed that the lack of death threats from his pupil must mean that he felt guilty enough to think that Cloud had a justified reason for his revenge. “Yes,” Yazoo admitted quietly, almost forlornly looking at the moist ceiling. Wordlessly, Vincent pulled him a little closer, though he seemed to be caught up in his own grief. Apparently the loss of their belongings pained him, which Yazooo could comprehend very well. There had been some very rare books in the cellar, as well as a great amount of gold and jewelry. Sighing, he moved his eyes back to his melancholic master, and said, in an attempt to console him “At least we are safe. Maybe this is a chance. We can start all over again and just… forget about the past and leave it behind.” Vincent graced him with an indecipherable look and seemed to ponder on that for a while. Forget? He had tried that for centuries, without much success… But silently he asked himself if he had ever really wanted to leave the past behind. Maybe Yazoo was right. Maybe it was time to at least seriously try and… start over. “Well then,” he finally said slowly, “what do you suggest we are doing now?” Satisified, Yazoo looked back at his feet again, idly stroking over the back of his lover´s hand. “I suggest we´re going away, somewhere far, preferably where it´s a little colder and the nights will be longer. We´ll find a mansion and this time we´ll not hide in there until someone decides that they finds us suspicious and smoke us out.” He couldn´t help the sarcastic untertone, but contiuned in a more thoughtful voice, “We´ll live with them, laugh with them, celebrate their little fancy proms with them, drink from them. Once they know and accept us in their own rows, their suspicions and defence will sink remarkably. We will be just like them, their neighbours, their friends and that will make us practically invincible.” His green eyes darkened for a moment, then he shifted his gaze back to Vincent´s face, asking What do you think?” Vincent did not look very convinced. For all his long life he had tried to avoided humans whenever he could, fearing that they would become aware of his inhuman nature. What Yazoo said made sense, though. You wouldn´t suspect someone you trusted and if they made sure that they had drunk enough before their participation in the aristocrats´ nightlife, they would appear almost as human as every original. Besides, he had to admit that the idea made him slightly curious. And it certainly would be a welcome distraction and change of pace. Therefore he said, placing a gentle kiss on the hand holding his own “If you wish so.” “Hn,” A small smile graced the younger vampire´s face, before something came to mind and he furrowed his thin brows in displeasure. “We are totally broken, aren´t we.” “No.” The other´s lips quirked up in faint amusement, and he lifted a dark eyebrow “I am not so stupid as to depote my belongings at only one single place.” Relieved, the boy nodded “Good. Else we would have had to kill some haughty landlord, that´d have been troublesome…” Vincent frowned, remarking a little sarcastical “How convenient that my foresight spared us from such bothersome actions.” “Yes, you´re brilliant sometimes,” the boy beamed at him and the other vampire just gave up with a sigh to want to impliment some morals into his lover. “But first I suggest say we leave here,” Yazoo wrinkled his nose a little, “and get something to drink.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xyleel: Hehe, yepp Yazoo ist auch gerne mal Arschloch wenn er will ;) Der neue Trailer ist Hammer oder? Ich hab ihn auch heute morgen gesehen und mich gar nicht wieder eingekriegt!!! Yazoo lächelt *dahinschmelz*!!! Die Autobahnszene war krass, obwohl ich fand, dass Yazoo und Loz etwas unmotiviert gekreischt haben als das Ding unter ihnen zusammengebrochen ist^^ Und Yazoo hatte einen seltsamen kleinen Lacher drauf, als er zum Helikopter äh... geflogen ist, oder? Und die erste Szene, in der die drei SHM mehr oder weniger ihre Anzüge aus dem nichts auf den Leib gezaubert bekommen und kurz vorher, für nen klitzekleinen Moment splitterfasernackt, wie Sephiroth sie schuf, waren- absoluter fanservice XD Ich kann nicht bis April warten!!! *heul* Ahhh, sorry für das ganze gespamme und rumge-fangirle aber WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!! XD XD XD Yazoo hat, soweit ich sehen konnte, ziemlich viele Extraszenen gekriegt (hat er auch verdient *hüstel*)! Okay, ich hör besser auf XD Hosted by Animexx e.V. (