vampire von abgemeldet (an epic Vincent/Yazoo vampire story) ================================================================================ Kapitel 27: ------------ 27 “Hn.” With his head propped into a palm as his arm rested on the mattress, Yazoo sat in front of the bed, looking at the corpse of his first self hunted victim with disinterest. After two weeks of training his mind gift, and tiresome reciting of the rules Vincent had taught him, the older vampire had finally deemed him worthy do take the crucial test. He´d been quite delighted first to finally get out of the dusty cellar and follow Vincent to a town down the other side of the hill. For their quick feet long distances were no hurdle and his master had decided that it was too much of a risk to show themselves in their former hometown. So they had effortlessly climbed the city walls and gone to search for an appropriate victim. They had found a notorious rapist soon enough, and Yazoo had had no problems at all to get him to the estate Vincent had bought and prepared a view nights prior. As the vampire was watching over him from the roof tops, Yazoo had pretended to not notice the feral looks the other man was mustering him with. He wasn´t that ugly himself and seemed to be decently well off, as his relatively heavy perfume and expensive cloths indicated. Yazoo had no interest in the man´s circumstances whatsoever and just continued to chatter about unimportant things, making conversation. Impatiently he had waited for the man to finish his bath (fending of the rapists intentions of taking Yazoo with him in the tub), and watch him wolfing down the prepared food. In contrast to Vincent, he wasn´t very good at keeping his thirst in check, and frankly, he didn´t even want to. All he desired was thrusting his canines in a warm throat as soon and often as possible. Vincent´s restriction to one victim per night was completely beyond his comprehension, but he obeyed it nonetheless. The other vampire hadn´t been in a particularly good mood ever since his transformation, which was why Yazoo wasn´t happy at his succeeding the test. The victim had been wretched through and through, so there was, fortunatly, no redemption for him at all and Yazoo had sucked his blood. After that, he´d thought that Vincent´s concerns for him had at least been partially put to rest, and that the vampire maybe would even have a word of approval for him, like he always had when Yazoo had completed a task to his satisfaction. But this time his mentor had only watched the corpse with a quick glance and left the room, ordering the boy to wait there until he was back. Now he was sitting here in a melancholy mood, not knowing what he had done wrong and waited for his master´s return. Somehow he had imagined the afterlife with Vincent to be completely different. The raven haired man was barely talking to or looking at him, let alone touching him. It was as if he was disgusted by Yazoo´s transformed body or something… Frustrated, the vampire prodded the boring corpse into the back with one finger and boredly watched it rolling from the bed and hitting the floor with a thud. “I am glad to see that you have so much fun with dead people´s bodies,” the tightly spoken comment made Yazoo lift an eyebrow in irritation. Slowly but surely Vincent´s lousy mood was rubbing off on him. “Get the body and follow me,” the cloaked vampire instructed, already turning on his heels and struting out of the dimly lit bedroom before Yazoo had even the chance to say something. Clenching his jaw, the silver haired young man rose from his sitting position, walking around the bed in not too much of a hurry and threw the dead former rapist over his slim shoulder without so much as breaking a sweat. Then he joined his impatient master on the dark street, and quickly they ducked through the alleys until they reached an abandoned, old graveyard just outside the town. Vincent opened the rusty iron gate and led the boy and his burden inside. They made their way through the rows of crumbled, overgrown gravestones and broken crosses which were cast in the silver light of the half moon, until they were replaced by run down crypts. Before one of them Vincent finally stopped, and pushed aside the heavy stone that sealed the entrance. He then lifted the corpse from Yazoo´s shoulder and wordlessly threw it into the darkness. After he had sealed the entrance again, he informed the other imperviously “From now on you will bring the dead bodies here.” Yazoo just looked at his mentor blankly, and after Vincent snapped at him if he had understood him, he answered with a simple “Yes,” and followed the man back to the entrance of the cemetary. When they had reached the gates again Vincent instructed the other coldly to go back to their base and do whatever he wished, which was mainly restricted to reading, sleeping or watching the plain wall in boredom. * “What´s wrong?” Yazoo was loitering on the half closed lit of his coffin and watched his mentor sitting at his desk, being ultimately interested in an old book and ignoring him since hours. The younger vampire assumed that, if it hadn´t poured down like all gates of heaven had opened at once and covered the pitch black sky with garish lightening and rolling thunder that even shook their underground home, Vincent wouldn´t have graced him with his presence at all. But Yazoo had been pushed to the limits of his quite remarkable patience and wasn´t about to take the other´s aloof and rather rude behavior - that he saw absolutely no justification for- any longer. “I do not know what you mean. And I would appreciate it if you could find another occupation than pestering me with ludicrous questions,” came the indifferent response from the vampire who didn´t even deign to look up from the pages. Lifting an eyebrow, an exasperated expression briefly flickered over the silver haired teens fair features as he coldly retorted, “Well, then let me enlighten you master, because that is exactly what I am talking about. Ever since you made me into this thing you are behaving like a sulky little child and I have no idea as to why.” At least that made Vincent look up from his damn book, though it was a rather annoyed and indignant glare that was thrown at him. “I think you should chose your words and consider your tone a little more carefully. I am by no means ‘sulky’ and even if your accusations were justified, I do have no obligations to explain my actions towards you, ” he finally replied caustically. The atmosphere was so tense it seemed as if it could snap at any moment, and had Yazoo been a lesser composed and collected young man, he would have retorted something rather nasty. But so he just gave up in resignation, swinging his feet over the coffin´s rim in a swift, graceful movement and closed the lid over him, as he decided for a rather early night´s rest. And so he failed to see the other vampire´s doleful expression, as he flicked the book shut he hadn´t even been reading. * Their ambigious relationship continued like this for at least two further weeks, the two trying to avoid each other as often as possible. Yazoo did so because he was frustrated by the others behavior and Vincent because, well - who knew what was going on in this gorgeous, mysterious head of his. The cloaked man would only accompany his pupil during his hunting, staying in the shadows and wordlessly leaving as soon as he had made sure that Yazoo had discarded of the corpse properly. Then Yazoo would have to go back to their basement and wait for the dawn by himself, unmotivatedly reading some texts Vincent had instructed him to inspect in a rare moment of showing that he still, somehow cared. Tonight, however, Yazoo had other plans. Though he had no intentions on defying Vincent´s orders to head back to their base, the older man had with no word said that he had to go back straight and without taking a little detour. And it just so happened that the young vampire had seen something on the hunt tonight that had seemed quite interesting. Stealthily he sneaked through the cramped, dark alleys. The lights had been put out already in that particukar district, only from a tavern a little farther away came the occassional sounds of guffaw and heated discussions. Before a neat little house that was cramped between two similar ones, and whose low roof hung askew over the street, he stopped, studying the sign that informed the client of the nature of the shop. After Yazoo had accertained that he was at the right place he rapped at the door. Another thing that Vincent had told him later was the annoying fact that they had to be asked to come in before they could enter a person´s house, because otherwise he would have just appeared beside the shopowner´s bed and made his order. He rapped again, his inhuman ears listening into the house where, after a third knock, a drowsy curse was heard and the owner of the shop grumpily got up. A few minutes after the door was roughly pulled open and the angry, sleepy face appeared in the light of a lamp the man was holding, as he stood in the small corridor with his nightgown and a bedcap dangling from his disheveled head. “What the hell?” he grunted, thrusting the lamp into the unwelcome visitor´s face and attempting to give him a piece of his tired, pissed mind, but the man closed his mouth shut immediately upon seeing the well dressed young aristocrate before him. Nervously he hurried to lower his head and mumbling a rushed apology. “I am very sorry for my rude comment young master, I didn´t expect someone like you to visit my humble store…” Yazoo lazily waved away the -suddenly very subordinated- man´s words, answering instead “May I come in now? I´d rather discuss our business inside than on the street.” “Of course! Come in please,” the store owner licked his lips nervously and shuffled to the side with his head still held low. Yazoo entered the dark floor, waiting for the man to lock the door behind him and then following him into his shop. After he had set aside the latern and lightened another one -so his customer could have a better look at his offerings- he doffed his cap, kneading it in his sweaty hands and standing beside the counter, waiting for Yazoo to choose whatever he desired. The vampire observed his pitiful figure from out of the corner of his eye, taking a special interest in the pulsing blood vessels that provided the bumping dot in his left chest with sweet smelling liquid… Now wasn´t the time for such things, the vampire reminded himself, focusing his attention back to the items at display and trying to ignore the man´s intense scent of blood and fear, that was always so intoxicating… After he had given the items a scrutinizing look he pointed on several objects and the man hurried to get him. Rubbing his hands after he had handed Yazoo the bag he awaited his payment, and Yazoo handed him the golden clasp that held his long hair together. Aghast the shop owner stared at the expensive item in the others white hand. “Tha- that´s by far too much young sir! I can´t accep-” “Just take it,” the vampire said impatiently, his hair falling over his shoulders, and adding after a moment with a meaningful look “It should be suffice to make you forget our nightly encounter, hm?” He still hadn´t mastered the task of erasing people´s memories, but there were still other ways to make them shut up, fortunately. Frantically nodding, the man greedily took the offered payment, letting it vanish in his sleeve and escorted his guest to the door with words of gratitude and flattering. As soon as the door closed behind him a smirk graced the vampire´s features and with his precious clutched to his side he made his way back to the old ruin. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xyleel: Hehe, naja, Yazoo findet zumindest Schlupflöcher in Vincent´s Anweisungen^^ Also ich denke es war schon wirklich Aeris, und nicht nur ein Hirngespinst. Irgendwie wird sie mir ja ein bissl fehlen... Aber irgendwie wird sie schon über die beiden wachen. Yazoo´s Transformation wird noch ein bisschen dauern, mal sehen ob ich den Erwartungen gerecht werden kann :) Hosted by Animexx e.V. (