vampire von abgemeldet (an epic Vincent/Yazoo vampire story) ================================================================================ Kapitel 16: ------------ 16 A blond shock of hair glanced over the window sill, briefly scanning the empty kitchen with a dark look and careful to not knock over the basket with eggs resting on the bench he was kneeling on. He didn´t care what the others said, he knew what he had seen and the battle between his friend and the freaky fairy had certainly been anything but a mere fight between boys, regardless if his friend´s face had been only slightly swollen and everyone had forgiven the strange boy. What made him hold on to his conviction even more was a strange dream he´d had that night. It had been absurdly real, but then not and… A figure had appeared before his window, begging him with a sweet and alluring song to open the window and let him in. He remembered getting out of the bed like in a trance, but just as he was about to press the handle, he had snapped out of it and feverently held out the little silver cross he always wore, screaming at the devil to go back into the darkness he had come from. The creature had stopped its siren enticing and within the next moment was gone and he had woken up, sweating and shaking. Apart from two red gleaming eyes he could not remember having seen anything else from the devil, but he did not wish for another rendevous and it had only strenghtened his determination. Something evil was going on in this house, and he was here to find out what it was… “May I help you?” Yelping, the blond boy swirled around, but the sudden movement made him loose his balance and he flew to the ground, smashing down the eggs in the process. Breathing heavily, he tried to look past the egg yellow smearing his face and dripping from his spikey hair. Before him, dressed in pink clothing and a white apron was a brown haired girl. She held another basket under her arm, full of vegetables she had gathered from the small storehouse in the backyard. Her smile was a little confused, but warm nontheless. As she bent down to help him up, he hissed and backed away, not wanting to get tainted by the unclean. Though she really did look nice… Shaking his head, the boy reminded himself that the priest had cautioned them against the devil in disguise, and stubbornly stuck out his bottom lip, but she only laughed. “Don´t worry, I don´t bite. Usually,” she winked at him, smile growing wider. Setting the basket aside on the bench, she put her hands on her hip, asking curiously “So, what are you doing here, besides crashing my eggs?” The boy turned a deep shade of red and frantically tried to wip away the mess on his head. She laughed again. “Ah, you´re cute! Wait, I´ll help you.” “Don´t touch me!” the boy hissed, fumbling with his cross again and thrusting it into her face as she crouched down on the snow beside him. Her blank face become amazed as she grabbed for the holy item and admired its refined beauty with a little squeal. “Oh, that´s so beautiful! Such fine craftsmanship, and here, the little ruby! I wished I could wear something like this!” Blinking, the boy watched the maid fan all over his cross. Now this was… unexpected. Hadn´t the priest also said that the devil and his spawn couldn´t touch the holy?! But there she was, turning it at all sides between her cold, red fingers. Which could only mean… that she wasn´t evil. Sighing with relieve the blond relaxed a bit, but not for long as the young woman dragged him to his feet, declaring that they had to wash away the eggs on his head and that it was cold outside anyway. So he stumbled behind her, listening to her telling him that her name was Aeris and that she was pleased to make his acquaintance. He only grunted, as he was set down on one of the wooden chairs in the kitchen. While Aeris heated some water and put away the vegetables, sighing over the weather, he had the chance to take a glance through the room. The first thing he noticed was that it was incredibly clean, unlike the kitchen in his own house. Everything was neatly placed on the cubbords and there was no food or intestines lying around. Small pots of spices were set up at the window. The stone floor was devoid of any filth or leftovers. And just as clean as the room was Aeris… Frowning the boy let his gaze wander around, his feet drumming against the table leg. “What´s your name?” He contemplated for a moment if he should tell her, but then he just shrugged. He was known as being the youngest of a rich merchant and deliverant anyway so there really was no use in lying. “Cloud,” he therefore said, receiving another smile in return. “Well then, nice to meet you, young Master Cloud.” Aeris came over with a bowl of warm water and a white cloth. “Now then, let´s get rid of this mess.” She really tried to be careful, but the egg had already started to dry, hence she couldn´t help it as the boy winced and struggled under her treatment. Trying to distract him from the pain, the maid started a conversation. “So, Cloud, what are you doing here? Not that I don´t appreciate a visit from such a handsome young man,” she winked at him, mirt twinkling in her eyes as he blushed again. “but it is rather scarce for the child of an aristocrate to wander around in my backyard.” That he was of higher birth was apparent, his fine clothing and habitus had told her right away. Maybe he had gotten lost? Cloud bit his lip. He hadn´t prepared an excuse for he initially hadn´t planned on getting caught, and now he didn´t know what to say… So he settled for distraction, instead asking “You said you liked my cross. Are you religious?” “Of course, very much so.” Her smile almost blinded him. “How come then that you don´t wear one yourself,” the boy asked suspiciously, glancing at her bare bossom. “Ah that. You´re very perceptive aren´t you?” Hurriedly he stared away from her big chest. Laughing, she fumbled some dried egg from a spiky strand. “I thing that my believe in god does not particularly need to be represented by a cross. Our actions are what counts. I think god knows how much I love and respect him even if I don´t wear a cross, don´t you think so?” The boy nodded hesitantly. He had never thought about it this way. “Besides,” she continued, rubbing the wet cloth over his face “my master asked me to do without it while I work here.” Clouds ear´s peeked at that. “Your master asked you? Why would he do such a thing? Is he not religious?” Wringing out the towel in the bowl, Aeris looked thoughtful for a moment but then replied easily “Well, I do not know very much about him either, but he´s a really kind and erudite person. He has some strange habits sometimes. For example I had to promise to never cook with garlic, or bring it inside the house. And he does not like silver, everything is made from gold here, even the cutlery. ” She sighed, but then the smile was back on her lips. “But I think he´s a fine man and he reads a lot about religion, though he does not go to church. Want some cake?” Nodding, the boy´s eyes went big at the large piece of cake that was set in front of him and he greedily started to stuff his face with the sweetness, listening to her giving him more information about the enemy. Apparently she really liked her master and hadn´t noticed his vile nature. But Cloud would safe her, he decided after a moment. Someone who could make such a heavenly cake could under no circumstances be in league with the devil. She was just naïve, was all. “Oh, and just some time ago, he took in a poor lost puppy, and feed him up, because he´s just so generous and- Wait, could it be that you´re a friend of Yazoo´s?” Her face had taken on a delighted and happy expression, as she clasped her hands together and beamed at him with a force that was beyond good and evil. Stopping with chewing, the boy gulped to say something, namely asking who ‘Yazoo’ was, when another boy about his age with long silver hair entered the kitchen, nose stuck into an old book. “You!” Looking up from his captivating discourse by a guy named Platon, Yazoo slowly lifted an eyebrow as he saw himself confronted with an overly cheerful maid and an angry blond haired boy sitting at the kitchen table, cake crumps stuck to his face and angrily glaring at him. “What is this doing here?” He looked back at the maid for an explanation, and then adding displeased, “And why is it eating my cake?” “Awww, don´t be such a morning grouch,” Aeris laughed, totally ingnoring the fact that it was already early afternoon and drawing him into a hug, the boy impassively enduring it. She pushed him on one of the free chairs, saying benignly “You have to be nice to your friends, Cloud went all the way just to visit you! Here, there´s enough cake for the both of you!” “He´s not my friend!” Cloud spit disgustedly. “I don´t care if there is enough of it, it´s MY cake,” Yazoo informed his adopted sister curtly, placing his book on the table. “Boys!” Aeris turned around, hands on her hips and a strict look on her beautiful face. Involuntarily the both of them flinched and kept their mouths shut, but continued secretly glaring daggers at each other nontheless. “That´s much better,” she beamed again, making Cloud wonder briefly if maybe he had been mistaken and she really was the devil… Placing an extra large portion of cake in front of the silver haired teen, she wiped her hands at her apron and cheerfully declared, “Now you two, I have to clean the salon. Be nice and get along while I´m away.” They both nodded, Yazoo even summoning a sweet smile, that vanished as soon as she had exited the room. The cake remaining untouched on the plate as he folded his arms over his chest in a very intimidating manner he had learned from his teacher, inwardly smirking at Cloud´s nervous shuffling on his chair. “Get lost.” Sullenly sticking out his bottom lip, Cloud mimiked his foes action, but not looking nearly as frightening as the other did. “Make me.” Yazoo was just about to take the invitation and send the brat flying out, when the boy hastily added “I´ll tell Aeris!” The other stilled and then reluctantly and with a scowl sat down again, ignoring the triumphant (and relieved) look on Cloud´s face. Now this was just great. He had woken with a major headache after a really exhausting day, had barely survived Vincent´s wrath and now one of the damn brats that had dared to insult his master was sitting on his kitchen table, eating his cake. How worse could it possibly get?! “I´m here to challenge you, Satan!” Oh.Great. Cloud had fumbled with his cross again and held it into Yazoo´s direction, his youthful face drawn into a grim, determined scowl. Just what was it with these fanatics?! Unblinking, Yazoo stuck his fork into the cake and opened his book again. Really, his fingers were just tingling to teach the brat a good lesson, but for Aeris´and especially his master´s sake, he would refrain from doing so. Vincent had, after all he could remember, been relatively angry, and Yazoo had only broken one guy´s nose… At least no one had talked about him going out and making ‘friends’ anymore. “Hey, don´t you dare ingore me, I´m here to drive you out!” Indifferently, Yazoo slapped the cross away that was thrusted into his line of view and it clattered to the stone floor, commenting dryly “I agree with you that there is an obnoxious presence in this room that has to be gotten rid of, but it certainly isn´t me.” Blankly, the boy stared at his cross that had failed him again and wondered if there was no relying on the damn thing at all! Huffing, he bent down to gather it and haughtily pointed his index finger at the other boy, chin lifted into the air. “Do not believe that you´ll escape punishment, we´re nowhere near being done yet! I´ll be back!” And with that he ran out of the kitchen to restrategize his warplan. Hmpfing, Yazoo took a bite from his cake and flicked another page. “Hey, where´s that nice boy?” Aeris looked through the room a few minutes later, frowning. “Excuse me, but who are you talking about?” Yazoo asked sweetly, his voice heavy with sarkasm. “You know exactly who I´m talking about,” the maid huffed, prodding him in the side playfully. “If you don´t be nicer to our guests you´ll never make any friends.” “Oh,” he looked at her in mock sorrow, clearing the plate. “Rascal,” she scoffed and went to get him another piece. “He said he´ll come back anyway. Besides, I don´t need any friends,” Yazoo declared disinterestedly, leaning back in his chair and placing his book into his lap. “I have you.” “Aww, you´re so sweet!” She flashed him her warmest, loving and much candy promising smile. Then she noticed his distraction tactic, and huffing again, threw a wet cloth into his smirking face. “But everyone needs friends! You´ll get all lonely and grumpy if you don´t!” she declared, watching Yazoo calmly taking the towel out of his face, folding it and placing it on the table, all without looking up from his book even once. “Just look at Master Vincent,” she added in mock warning. But apparently Yazoo didn´t find her joke funny in the least, as he shifted his gaze towards her with dangerously narrowed eyes, saying tightly “I did not know that Vincent was of such low standarts to you.” Astonished, Aeris turned around from the sink, where she was changing the water. “But-I didn´t mean… It was just a joke,” she smiled at him, but he didn´t return the favor. “I did not find that one funny.” “Well, then I´m sorry,” she offered, looking somewhat confused. “I really did not mean to offend you or talk bad about Master Vincent. You should know that I have nothing but respect and kind feelings for him.” “Then refrain from such comments in the future. You should know your place, woman.” “I´m sorry,” she mumbled again, hands nervously playing with her apron and eyes cast downwards. “Hn,” Yazoo made, looking a little appeased, and then offering a ceasefire with a small smile “Is there still some cake left?” -------------------------------------------------------------------- So, Cloud darf auch mitspielen :) Xyleel: Ich werde das Zusatzkapitel noch dieses Wochenende reinstellen. Ist eigentlich schon fertig, aber ich bastel grade noch etwas dran rum. Will ja noch nicht zuviel verraten;)Danke übrigens für die Fehlerkorrektur, habe das sofort geändert und mich ein bissl geärgert, weil es wirklich dumme Fehler waren XD Kontrolliere das in der Regel 3 mal, aber bei Wörtern die man oft schreibt und glaubt, man habe sie ja jetzt mal drauf schleichen sie sich dann doch ein... Bin froh dass das letzte Kapitel nicht melodramatisch rübergekommen ist *stoßseufzer* So, dann werd ich mal weiterschreiben gehen, nochmal danke für die Tipps! 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