vampire von abgemeldet (an epic Vincent/Yazoo vampire story) ================================================================================ Kapitel 15: ------------ 15 “Yazoo!” Aeris called out into the empty streets, frowning, but a smile on her beautiful features. She had thrown a pink scarf over her maid dress and was searching the alleys for her adopted little brother, inwardly glad, that she had remained hard and insisted on him going out. Surely he´d made a lot of friends and had forgotten time over their play. Her smile grew a little warmer. Of course, who wouldn´t want to be his friend? He was polite, intelligent, beautiful, patient and so very adorable! She just loved him to bits and she was sure that everyone else would too, after all, who could escape his charm if even her moody master hadn´t been able to do so? It was amazing what the boy had achieved within three months, she hadn´t accomplished in three years. That was, luring the ever looming Mister Valentine away from his dark thoughts and grey life and making him look ambitious and interested again. Surely her house would be full of children´s laughter and playing kids soon, when Yazoo brought home his friends and- She was brought back down to earth when she turned around a corner and the breath was caught in her throat at the sight of two horrified boys that bumped into her, senseless with fear. Quick wittedly she grabbed for the youngest, and worried, but also with forced calm tried to get out of him what had made him so scared. Her eyes widened in shock when she heard the boy stammering something about a silver haired demon murdering their friend, and she let go of him, running with shaking feet and hitched breath into the direction the boy was pointing at. xxxXxxx Vincent could not remember when the last time had been that he was this furious. As soon as he had risen from his coffin, a bad feeling had lured in his stomache and it definitely hadn´t come from hunger. Being one who listened to the foreboding feelings that occasionally befell him, he had instantly returned to his house, leaving dinner out. Upon entering, he had found Aeris to be a miserable, weeping mess. She had thrown herself at his chest, clinging to his coat and pleading that he forgave her, and only after half an hour had he been able to get out of her what it was exactly he should grant her absolution for. Upon hearing that Yazoo had turned a high judge´s offsprings face into slobber, almost killing the boy and effectively taking away his eyesight, Vincent´s face had gone blank and he had unwrapped her fingers from his coat. Leaving her miserably sobbing on the floor, the vampire had wasted no time and hurried to the judge´s home. The house had been one single chaos and servants as well as the parents had scurried around the bleeding boy on the bed. Everything had been in such an uproar that no one had even questioned his presence, biding him in and assuming that he was the healer they had called for. This circumstance was a fortunate one and had made things a lot easier, as Vincent with his natural air of authority had banished everyone, including the ranting parents, from the room. Then he had gone back to the large four poster bed the boy had been placed in. Quite moans indicated that he was still alive, but at the sight of his broken and destroyed face, even the vampire pressed his lips together for a moment of symphathy. After he had made sure that the curtains were drawn before the windows, for he did not need an audience to his questionable healing methods, he had opened his wrist and let some droplets fall on the deep wounds, who instantly hissed and merged together again. The power of his old blood was great, but the damage done was even greater and the boy would never see perfectly clear again. Still, his face had become somewhat human again, leaving just the usual marks of a normal street fight between boys. It had been nothing money could not settle, and after a generous donation and the promise to punish his protegé, the father of the fat boy had not even thought about ‘consequences’ anymore, laughing treacly and escorting the aristocrat to the doors. From the fat boys memories, Vincent had not been able to detect the possible trigger for Yazoo´s sudden attack, just that it was, by all means, absolutely unjustified and overly brutal. After altering the families memory to something less drastic, and remembering the names and faces of the big boy´s two friends, the vampire went back home, as he had to pick a bone with Yazoo. Honestly, Vincent was truly disappointed. After he had more or less ‘adopted’ the boy he´d thought that he could get rid of his violent and devil-may-care attitude. Letting him live in a warm and loving environment should have altered his personality enough. Or so the vampire had thought. But obviously Yazoo did not feel like following the script, and Vincent was very inclined to find out why. And take out the consequences, if necessary. It seemed, that Aeris had somehow seen the murderous and cold gleam in his inhuman eyes (even deepened by the fact that he hadn´t eaten at all and was therefore looking much paler than usually), because as he was just about to take the stairs, she came rushing at him, throwing herself at his feet and pleading for him to spare Yazoo, for he was only a nescient boy and that it had been her fault for insisting that he made friends. Something in her selfless, desperate behaviour touched the heart he did not know he had anymore and he stopped at the feet of the stairs. After a moment of contemplating, Vincent crouched down and gently took her by the shoulders, helping his maid up. Big, sorrowful eyes glanced at him from under disheveled brown locks as he put her on shaking legs again, quietly saying “Please do not worry. I will not take unreasonable measures. But as you will surely agree with me, Yazoo´s behaviour was more than inappropriate and he has to be punished.” Biting her lip, Aeris lowered her head, half-heartedly nodding and clutching her hands together. Just as Vincent was about to climb the stairs, she reached out for his arm again, passionately saying “Just don´t… take him away from here…” All the vampire did was mustering her hand on his sleeve, and she withdrew it, as if surprised by her own courage. She had almost never asked for something before, as it was not in her place as a servant to demand something. Her master´s fathomless face did not tell her if he would take her request into consideration or if he was angry at her boltness. But at least the frightening expression had vanished from his eyes. She couldn´t help herself, but it had reminded her very much of the face Yazoo had made as she had found him continously hitting his victim in the face with calm, calculated force and almost bored movements. Vincent made his way down the candle lit corridor, his booted feet moving over the wooden panels in absolute silence. His inhuman ears and senses told him, long before he had entered, that Yazoo was indeed in his room. The boy stood by the window, looking out into the shadowed garden. The old oak´s knotted branches were delineated against the black, star covered sky and the pale moon, but apparently Yazoo did not have eyes for the nights beauty, as he calmly stared into nothingness. His face was the expressionless mask he almost always wore when he was deep in his own world, and the head was tilted in that slight angle that made him look even more lost. The sudden feeling of two eyes boring into his back brought him back into reality, though, and his head swirled around, glowering at the intruder, but relaxing as he recognized his patron standing behind him with a frosty expression. They remained silent for a while. Vincent wanted to give the boy a chance to explain himself first, but Yazoo just continued to look at him inertly and like nothing had happened at all. If only the blood on the brim of his white sleeve hadn´t said otherwise. “Well. What do you have to say to your defence?” The vampire finally inquired, arms folded over his chest and staring down at his student coldly. The temperature in the room dropped at least about ten degrees. Yazoo slowly turned his head back towards the window, declaring “As far as I am concerned, there is nothing I have to vindicate for.” “Well then I will jog your apparently blurred memory,” Vincent remarked, anger flaring up in his eyes again. “You attacked a boy out of the blue, alterated his face into a bloody mess and almost made him blind.” The distant look was still on the boy´s face as he inclined his head, eyes downcast. “It´s not my fault when he´s unable to defend himself.” The vampire shook his head in frustration. They would not get anywhere with this if he did not take drastic measures and make Yazoo understand what his behaviour really meant. It was not so much the act itself that appalled the cloaked man, but the absence of any emotion in the youth´s face when he had done it or now as they were talking about it. There was just a total lack of empathy that was so very dangerous. Not even sadistic pleasure had been a motive, that Vincent might not have approved off but at least would have been able to comprehend. But there had just been nothing. “Hit me.” A silver head snapped around in surprise again. “I… beg your pardon?” “I said: hit me,” the vampire returned unfazed, looking his pupil straight in the eye. Not knowing what to make out of that, Yazoo observed the man with narrowed eyes. This had to be joke, right? “What is it with that reluctance of yours? I just ordered you to hit me, that should not be that much of a problem for you. Hurry, I do not have all night long.” Yazoo´s eyes widened in disbelieve as he realised that Vincent was indeed very serious and his demanour became hesitant. “Why… would you order me to do such a thing?” “As far as I know I am not accountable to you,” the vampire returned cooly, expectantly lifting an eyebrow. “I would appreciate it if you could get over with it now.”A dangerous edge had crept into Vincent´s deep voice, leaving no room for objections. Yazoo stared at him in a mixture of incredulity and sceptic estimation, his hands stiffly held by his side as he made hesitant steps forward towards the heavy presence of the vampire. Then he stopped, eyes never leaving his master´s as a slightly trembling hand was slowly risen, ready to strike out. Fine sweat had built on his forehead, but otherwise there was no sign of the inner battle Yazoo was fighting showing on his face. Vincent observed the boy calmly, seemingly impatient, waiting for him to take action, but the hit never came. Before the hand had only half covered the distance between him and the vampire´s face, Yazoo withdrew it, eyes downcast. “Now, what is it? Cannot do it?” The cold mockery of Vincent made the boy look up again, his fine brows furrowed. “Why should I do it anyway?” he hissed, looking truly confused and troubled. “Why would you not?” Vincent returned, making a step forward and suddenly thrusting his pupil against the wall, one hand at his throat. “I ordered you to do it, that should be reason enough for you.” Head tilted, his low growl and piercing gaze almost made him look feral, as he breathed into his ear while holding the struggling body in place. “If you do not do it,” the vampire drawled, almost friendly, but still cold “I will kill you.” Yazoo´s eyes widened a fraction before they went icy as well, and he stopped struggling. “I see we understand each other,” Vincent purred, loosening his grip a little. But instead of the anticipated fist, a warm liquid hit his cheek suddenly. Astonished, the cloaked man rose a hand to his handsome face and dug his finger into it, observing the secretion out of the corner of his eyes before his gaze shot back to the glowering young man. “Ya hav ta be nuts ta thing I´d do dat shit!” Stonily, Vincent wipped away the spit from his cheek. Then his hand cramped around the boy´s throat again and suddenly Yazoo found himself a few centimeters hovering over the floor, pressed against the wall and breathing becoming hard. Two unflinching gazes were locked in a silent battle, as the vampire held him up in the air with his lips pressed together tightly, and the other struggling and clutching at the man´s iron fist. Of course it could all have been ended if Vincent had chosen to just read his pupils mind. But he did not, because he wanted Yazoo to TELL him, to voice it and reflect on it! “So you choose death then.” The only answer he got was the fierce green eyes narrowing, and the struggling increasing until it slowly became weaker. Face coming closer to Yazoo´s ear again, the vampire breathed, with his tumb stroking over the boy´s soft skin but without relaxing his grip even one bit, “Breathing becomes harder, does it not? It is painful, hm?” He didn´t wait for an answer, only his eyes skimmed over the other´s face almost lazily and as if he searched for something. “Why not end it? It will be easy, all you have to do is obey my order and I will forgive you…” Yazoo only hissed at him, now desperately scratching and clawing at the cruel fingers that were about to kill him. “I ain´t fuckin´doin´it!” Frustrated, Vincent pressed him deeper into the wall, hissing back “Why? Why will you not do it? What is holding you back? What distinguishes me from that boy?” Gasping, and his hold on the man´s fingers becoming weak, the silver haired youth finally seemed to conquer his reluctance as he breathed in resignation, gaze directed towards the floor. “…Family.” Vincent let go of him as if he had been burnt, and Yazoo fell to the floor on all four, holding his abused throat and gasping and coughing for air. “Family,” Vincent echoed carefully as he had fairly collected himself. His arms rested by his side again and the malice had vanished from his voice. It couldn´t be…? “What does that mean?” Yazoo was still to busy regaining his steady breathing to answer and only one single green eye looked up at the stunned man from behind a silver curtain, but it seemed pained. Crouching down, the vampire gently helped Yazoo into a sitting position with his back leaned against the wall and strode some silver strands out of the boy´s distraught face. “Tell me.” And after a second, adding “Please.” “I…” The explanation was interrupted by another cough, and Vincent soothingly stroked over his pupil´s back, nodding reassuringly at him to continue. “The runt w-was *cough* saying…things…” The vampire distantly remembered from the victims memories about the insults he had thrown at Yazoo. “So you hit him because he insulted you?” Vincent guessed, but the boy shook his head weakly, another hack rocking his light frame, as he spit “I don´t give a damn about what some brat calls me.” Puzzled, the vampire held Yazoo´s shoulder. “But then why-” His eyes widened as realisation hit him and he slowly said “It could not possibly be because he was talking ill about me?” Yazoo suddenly seemed to be very interested in the plain flower picture on the opposite wall as he stared straight past the other man. Sighing, Vinent pinched the bridge of his nose and rose to his feet, silently pacing the room. “Yazoo… I appreciate your concerns, but they are utterly unneccessary. I can look after myself perfectly well on my own and I certainly do not need you to punch the living daylights out of some boy that was just fooling around.” “Oh yes?” came the sceptic reply, making the vampire turn around and face his protégé again. “What do you know… You are never around, only hiding in your library. You may not care about people, but people actually care about you. You may not want to be bothered, but if you let it slide and people start talking, actions will follow and before you know it, your house is burning and your sorry, indifferent ass lies dead on the floor,” Yazoo concluded, an angry glare directed at his master, as he wiped at his mouth. Then his head fell back against the wall tiredly. “And I will definitely not have that again.” Vincent remained silent for a moment, before he inquired, “Who did you loose like this?” Eyes wandering back to the tall aristocrate, the boy returned dully “My mother. At the beginning they only talked, calling her a witch and stuff. All she did was snort and say that people needed her medicine and that we should stop whining about it, they wouldn´t do anything. Next fall, after a particularly scanty harvest and many starving, they burnt the house after they had hung her.” He snorted a listless laugh “Loz was so rattled, he actually went inside the damn burning thing and fumbled her from the bar and dragging her with us, believing that she was still alive, because she had said that the village people couldn´t hurt her.” Vincent crept deeper into his collar. The boy looked exhausted and was still trembling from his assault. Now, things made sense. But the vampire could not say that he actually felt relieved. “How about this then,” he finally intoned, choosing his words carefully. “From now on you will report to me if you happen to hear any rumors, and I will take care of it.” Yazoo was still very septical and it showed on his face, but eventually he gave a short nod. “Fine then. Promise me that you will not adopt any drastic actions again.” The boy squirmed a little under Vincent´s stern gaze, but then gave in grumpily, and apparently to tired for another fight. “Very well then,” the vampire said, bending over the hunched figure and carrying the slender figure to the bed. The violet imprints of his fingers on the teens white throat glared at him accusingly, but Vincent ignored it as he lay him on the white sheets, his sirene song already encircling and drawing Yazoo into his dream world. What was a lot harder to overlook, however, was the blue vain, showing under the pale skin, pulsing with life and exhalating the alluring, promising scent of sweet, hot blood… Willing his eyes away, the vampire closed Yazoo´s eyes, after he had altered his memories so that they would fit with those of the others involved. Leaving the bedroom, he searched for his maid to do the same with her and then finally got out into the night for a hunt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ich hoffe, ich habe es nicht zu sehr übertrieben mit der Dramatik... *seufz* Übrigens werde ich Yazoo´s Erfahrungen mit seiner Mutter in einem Bonuskapitel noch ausführlicher vertiefen, nur schonmal so zur Warnung ;) Ist ungefähr zu 2/3 geschrieben. Xyleel: Das ist er in der Tat XD (Vincent zugetan meine ich.) Wird aber auch wirklich langsam mal Zeit, wir sind immerhin schon bei Kapitel 15 :) (Nur noch 2 Kapitel, dann geht´s an die Wäsche XD). Du hast auf jeden Fall recht, keine gute Vampirstory ohne Sex!!! (Ich les ja nicht Anne Rice weil die so schön über Venedig schreibt^^). Hab gleich mal ein 'schmuddeliges' Zusatzkapitel angefertigt... Hehe. Naja, will ja nicht zuviel verraten. Ich hoffe das Kapitel hat gefallen, auch wenn es noch keinen Sex gibt! Hosted by Animexx e.V. (