vampire von abgemeldet (an epic Vincent/Yazoo vampire story) ================================================================================ Kapitel 7: ----------- 7 Where was he?! This wasn´t the city he and his brothers had come to! The old grey church tower that had watched over the city and the ever present salty breeze that came from the stormy sea were gone, replaced by fancy little askew half timbered houses. It wasn´t less dirty nor looked very different with its narrow alleys and heaps of rubbish piling on the muddy streets, but it was definitely a different town. He turned into another alley, ignoring the stares of the passers-by and the shrieking sounds of hammers clashing against heated metal from the smitheries, wrapping his half worn, half hanging clothes tighter around his thin frame. His stomache felt like someone had torn it out of his belly, leaving only an empty hole and he briefly regretted rejecting the offered soup. But he gritted his teeth and told himself to just endure it. First he had to find his brothers. Despite sometimes wishing them into the deepest pits of hell, they were everything Yazoo had left and the only comfort he knew. Surely they had to be somewhere around here! There was no way that they would leave him alone, even if it was only so that they could annoy the shit out of him, especially Kadaj with his constant nagging and bossing. And Loz… Big stupid Loz must have transferred into a puddle of tears and wails by now… They really were annoying on occasion but he guessed he wasn´t that much better either sometimes, if he was honest. And their good sides far outweight the bad in the end. Everyone in their little family had his special talent that made him irreplacable, hence no one could be spared. Kadaj, despite his young age, was strong-willed and clever and naturally had taken the lead over their little group. His bossy attitude gritted on Yazoo´s nerves sometimes, but he also carried a heavy responsibility and his nagging was mostly a result of his concerns for his brothers, even though Kadaj didn´t want to show it. It was during the nights when he curled up between Yazoo and Loz that he looked so small and frail, allowing them to see his not so strong side and left his well being in their care. No, Yazoo definitely didn´t want to switch roles with his younger brother and inwardly he was grateful that it wasn´t him who had to lead them. Loz with his big heart and unstable emotional side, who would so easily break out into indignant tears when they teased him, was their guardian, the physical strenght that protected them against the worlds brutality and always got them down to earth when their ambitions became too unhealthy… No, there was no way they would leave him! They belonged together, they needed each other to be complete and to make their lifes make sense and give it a reason! What should become of him if they were gone?! But even more: what should become of them when Yazoo wasn´t with them? By no means would he tolerate Kadaj doing the job he was doing! But Loz wouldn´t be delicate enough to pass as a girl… Bellowing their names again, he stumbled down the alley of stithies, stopping once in a while to ask someone if they had seen a small, imperious brat and a big bulky crybaby. None of the people could help him though. Maybe… Maybe that Vincent guy had told the truth and they were… Shaking his head angrily, he banished such hideous thoughts from his head. He didn´t remember exactly what had happened that evening, though he knew that it had been something bad. But very much like the time where he couldn´t remember how he´d come back to their hideout and what had happened the night before that, every time he tried to remember a white bolt pierced his head and he hurt. It wasn´t like he was very prone to find out about the event, since a voice in his head told him that it was better left forgotten, but he at least wanted to remember what had happened to his siblings, no matter the pain! So he continued his desperate search undetered for hours, until the light and his strenght fainted and left him kneeling in a deserted, cramped alley. ****** Vincent jumped from one roof to the next, his fair face drawn into a grim expression. Count on the brat to turn his calm, nice life (or death, depending on the perspective) upwards down and cause one catastrophe after the next! He hadn´t expected for Yazoo to jump at the idea of staying with him, but he hadn´t expected him to be stupid enough to run away either, and in his fragile condition on top! No, Vincent surely could think of more pleasant things to do than hunting down the rebelling youth. On top of that he had really scared Aeris, a thing Vincent would not forgive easily. The woman had waited for his return being all in tears and hardly having controle over her shaking voice. After he had calmed her enough to understand her hiccup interrupted speech, he had left her with the promise to find the boy no matter what. She had even had the nerves to make him promise that he wouldn´t be angry with Yazoo since it wasn´t his fault and all. But to say it with the boy´s own charming words: Like hell he would! A decent spanking was the minimum he would get! Scanning the dark empty streets with his glowing inhuman eyes, Vincent jumped on another roof. There, hunched between two shacks was a small figure… Silver hair reflected the moon light and with a soundless skip, the vampire came down next to Yazoo in a crouched position. The boy had been sitting with his back against the wall, knees drawn to his chest tightly and sceletal fingers clinging to his linen trousers. Upon the impact of Vincent´s arrival he lifted his head, that had been resting on his bend legs so far and stared up at the angry figure hovering over him. But either he didn´t notice the dangerous aura radiating from his protector or he didn´t care, but either way, almost instantly he attacked the vampire with his questions, hoarsly demanding to know where his ‘brothas’ were. Vincent was about to give him a piece of his mind, baring his teeth and attempting to frighten the shit out of the little brat so that he would refrain from such actions in the future, but then he recognized the wide, glassy eyes filled with worry and the strange breathing. Yazoo wasn´t very far away from getting mad. “Where´re dey?! An dun ly ta me!” he hissed, staring up at the other and still managing to throw that cold, fathomless look of his. Vincent only glanced at him from behind his collar. “I told you.” Eyes going wide, the boy backed away a little, as the meaning of the words sunk in. This… this couldn´t just be… Please?! “B-bud… how?” The vampire remained silent. “How da hell could dey?! Tell me or…or…” Letting his threatening fist sink down, Yazoo stared to the ground, face hidden by his long hair, finishing the sentence with an almost pleading, exhausted “I need ta know…” After a long moment of silence, in which the moon vanished behind a dark cloud, the low voice of the vampire echoed through the night again. “You might not remember very well, but three nights ago you were involved in a fight. Your wounds were severe and your brothers agreed to leave you in my care. When I came to visit them the night after to inform them that you would live through it, I found them dead in your house. I assumed that they were murdered by the same people that attacked you. There was nothing I could have done for them anymore. I am sorry.” No answer came from the boy. “But rest assured that I bestowed the punishment upon the perpetrators that they deserved,” the raven haired man offered as a comfort behind his red collar, not leaving his eyes from Yazoo´s hunched figure and searching for any traits that indicated that the boy had understood his words. But there was no reaction whatsoever. Eventually Vincent crouched down next to the shaking, paralyzed body and without resistance cradled him in his arms. Dark wings spread out and the next moment a large shadow rose to the night sky, leaving the alley behind quickly. ****** “How is he?” Vincent Valentine asked upon entering the kitchen, but Aeris´ troubled, sad face gave him all the answers he needed. She looked up from the fire she was making, wiped her forehead with her sleaved arm and sighed. “Not good, I´m afraid. He still refuses to eat or speak or…I almost wish he would scream or be angry, but he´s just lying there as if… At this rate…” she shook her head in a pained manner and then looked up at her employer again, tears in her eyes. “It´s almost as if he´s trying to die.” “I will talk to him,” the man said, briefly laying a reassuring hand on her shoulder and receiving a grateful look in return. Walking up the stairs and along the corridor to the last room, he entered without so much as knocking and came to a halt next to the bed Yazoo held occupied. In the dim light the only oil lamp was providing, he found the boy lying on his stomache, his limbs lifelessly draped around his body. His face was hidden by felted silver strands, but a gleam from behind the hair indicated that his eyes were at least open. Even, flat breathing moved single hairs a little, but otherwise there was no sign that he was alive at all. Crossing his arms over his broad chest, Vincent remarked coolly “I see you are still not done wallowing in self-pity.” As much as he appreciated Aeris´ gentle personality, they wouldn´t get anywhere with sweet talk and sad smiles here. And obviously his approach of the problem did the trick, as a snort ruffled the hair hanging over the gaunt face and a bitter reply was spoken. “Wouldn´t hav ta if ya had da guts ta yest finish da job.” “I already told you that I will not kill you,” Vincent said unflinching. Another snort.Then “Why nat? Ya let dem die so´s no big deal.” Honestely, why couldn´t the creepy guy just grant his last and only wish? Why could he not see that life held no meaning anylonger? That it was only a burden, now that his solel reason to exist had been taken away? Yazoo couldn´t even say that he was… sad about his brothers decease. Of course, he thought that he was, maybe, but right now he was not able to feel anything, he didn´t have the strenght anymore. All he was was empty and utterly alone. “I believe I already told you too, that I am sorry for what happened to your siblings. I do understand that their death pains you greatly. I do not understand, however, your eagerness to follow them to the other side.” Yazoo remained stubbornly silent. Like hell Vincent understood anything… “Do you honestly believe that your brothers would approve of your childish behaviour?” Vincent spoke up again, voice hard and merciless. “Let me tell you this: when you were lying in that puddle of your own blood, your brothers so desperately wished for you to live that they did not even hesitate to entrust you to a complete stranger. The last thing they would want you to do is die. Do you want to betray their love out of your own stubborn determination?” Yazoo was stuck with an answer, but Vincent didn´t fail to notice the hot heated flashing in those gorgeous green eyes. “I will leave you to ponder on my words. But do remember one thing: Life is nothing to cast aside easily for you have only one. And death will come to you eventually, earlier than you might want it to.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loveless: Hehe, das stimmt, 'unbetad' klingt besser... Aber find das mal im dictionary, eh ich raushatte was es eigentlich bedeuten soll (so ganz am anfang meiner fanfic 'Karriere')... Aber ich schweife ab :) Ich finde auch, dass die beiden sich superähnlich sind, deswegen ist es eine Heruasforderung ein pairing mit ihnen zu schreiben (aber da ich ihre Charakterzüge mag, geht das). Normalerweise hat man ja immer einen recht lebhaften und einen etwas stilleren Charakter in einem pairing. Deswegen geht es hier auch nicht so mit dem zugekitscht, die beiden sind jetzt nicht so DIE Emotionskranaten (gut, in diesem Kapitel war es mal etwas emotionaler, aber angesichts der Umstände kommt das trotzdem noch realistisch rüber hoffe ich ^^). Das mit dem Durchdacht stimmt wohl, ich habe den kompletten Plot meist schon im Kopf wenn ich schreibe. Manchmal ändert sich ein bisschen was, aber im Großen und Ganzen nicht. Plotlose ffs irritieren mich immer furchtbar XD Ich kann mich gar nicht genug für die Ausführungen bedanken, Danke Danke! Deine Kommentare lesen macht fast mehr Spaß als die Story zu schreiben :D Hoffe, das neue Kapitel hat dir auch gefallen! Hosted by Animexx e.V. (