vampire von abgemeldet (an epic Vincent/Yazoo vampire story) ================================================================================ Kapitel 3: ----------- 3 “Yazoo!” Something… was calling a name… His… Maybe. All that he could think about was, that whatever was screaming did it too close to his hurting head. Groaning, he waved with his heavy feeling hand at the offending yeller. The someone was angrily shaking his shoulders now, evoking an earth quake in his head. Damn it, what the fuck! Tiredly he finally deigned to crack his weighty eyelids open to glower at whoever dared to bother him, but was met with a scowl directed at him instead. “Finally! Was ´bout time ya know!” The merciless fingers digging into his shoulders let go and he fell back, his head hitting the ground with a soft tud. New pain exploded behind his eyes and he moaned again. “Where da hell hav ya been tonight?! An dun ya dare come me with sum shady excuses!” A pointy finger was waved in front of his view warningly as his beloved littlest brother continued in his furious rant. Another familiar face came into his line of vision, belonging to his soft-headed oldest brother. Naturally his eyes were red brimmed and he asked with concern if Yazoo was alright. At least one of his siblings showed some sympathy for his misery… He attempted to shake his head that, no, he felt far from being alright, but it still felt so very heavy… “Oi Kadaj, I think he looks kinda really pale…” Loz voiced his worries quietly and carefully lifted his brother´s silver head to cradle him in his lap and softly stroke the offending long strands out of his face, mumbling “Dun listn, he´s been worried sick ´bout ya…” Frowning he added, “Bud really where were ya?” Yazoo settled for a snappy answer but stopped, with his dry mouth hanging slightly open. Indeed, what had he been doing…? He remembered changing into his dress and leaving their hideout to meet at the agreed taverne, but then… his head exploded into a blinding light again that took the word ‘agony’ to whole new dimensions and the boy moaned again, squeezing his eyes shut. He couldn´t remember. “Yazoo!” the eldest cried out, even making the youngest looking slightly worried. “Dun cry Loz,” came the harsh reply from below. Gods, his throat felt like sandpaper. “I ain´t cryin´!” Loz objected indignantly, a tear sneaking down his cheek. Yazoo just managed a small smirk. The next moment something cool touched his lips and he greedily drank the slightly foul tasting liquid. After the cool water had soothed his abused throat he felt a lot better, and with Loz help, slowly sat up. Taking in his surroundings with a quick glance, he noticed that he was in the cottage they used as their current base (‘home’ would have gone a little over the top). Rubbing his throbbing temple with long fingers, Yazoo tried again to remember what had happened the previous night but it was to no use. All he got was a headache and he could very well do without that. Huffing, Kadaj folded his arms over his chest, eyeing his sibling grumpily. His childlike features were tired and dirty, barely hiding the concern he didn´t want to show, because he was friggin furious! How dare his brother go off to god knows where and make them search for him all night! And when they finally decide to go back to their hideout, dare to innocently snoring away as if nothing had happened at all! Well, maybe he was exaggerating a bit, Yazoo was really looking miserable, face sickeningly pale, his breathing ragged and his heart working so hard that the pounding was visible against his ribcage under his clothes… Which stroke Kadaj kind of odd, because something was wrong with the picture and said oddity was… He couldn´t put his finger onto it. Frustrated he unwrapped his arms and grabbed for a dirty linen bag. Searching for something inside, he finally withdrew his hand and threw something into his brothers direction. Feeling to weak to catch it, Yazoo only watched the shriveled, vermiculated apple hit his chest and bounce of into his lap. Casting a reproachful look at his youngest brother, who threw up his arms in exasperation in reply, Loz compassionately took the apple, polishing it with his dirty sleeve and holding it out to his brother with a bright smile. Expressionless Yazoo bit into the fruit and slowly chewed it down. Once his stomach was filled a little he felt a lot better. Still it irked him that he didn´t know what had rendered him in this pathetic state… From his corner, Kadaj observed his brothers with narrowed eyes… Something was just wrong… Suddenly it hit him and he jumped to his feet in agitation. Two silver heads snapped into his direction in unison, quizzical looks plastered to their faces. Determined, and his mouth looking pinched, the youngest planted himself in front of Yazoo, who looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. “Know what´s wrong,” he declared, staring down. “What?” asked Loz baffled, looking between his brothers in confusion. “Dere ain´t no mud on ya.” “Hn?” With narrowed eyes Yazoo looked down at himself, noticing that his brothers shrewd observation was right (because of that ability of his he was the one who choose their victims for he almost always found someone with enough money for them to manage to make a living for a while). Amazed the boy looked at his white skin. “An´ ya reek kinda strange…” Loz added, frowning. “Dat´s called ‘soap’, stupid,” Yazoo informed him curtly, still lost in his studies of his own body. “How´d ya know?” Kadaj inquired suspiciously, startling the middle brother who stopped his observation. Tilting his head he answered after a moment “I … dunno.” Snorting, Kadaj shot him a disbelieving look until he noticed something else. “What´s dis…” grabbing the other by the collar of that hideous dress he was still wearing, he teared the cloth down to reveal two tiny red injuries maring the otherwise unblemished marble like skin. “What´s it?” Yazoo inquired, head tilted so that his brother could have a better look. “Dunno, ya tell ME!” the youngest hissed, poking the bruises and making the other flinch with pain. “Looks kinda like, ya know… bite marks or sumthin” Loz spoke up again, a concentrated look on his features as he bent his head over the injuries. “Da hell?” Snapping his head back, Yazoo looked at them scandalized and lifted his own hand to brush over the offending marks himself. “Ya didn´do sumethin… weird, did ya?” Kadaj asked icyly, piercing his brother with a scrutinizing look. “´Course not, dun´be stupid!” the other snorted, mentally adding ‘I hope…’ “Oh yeah?! Den where´re dey comin´from?” the youngest demanded to know, defiantly crossing his little arms again. “Told ya I dunno. But it sure as hell ain´t from what ya thinkin´!” Yazoo was getting sick of this conversation and swept away Loz´s hand from his collar. Seriously, what were they thinking?! As if he hadn´t other things to do than let the next best fella fuck him! “Maybe ya fell inta da sea an´ sumeone found ya an´ brought ya back? Would explain why ya all clean an´ stuff…” Loz suggested in one of his rare bright moments. “Pfff,” Kadaj snorted. “wouldn´t explain da marks. Besides none knows where we livin´.” “Maybe I came back myself,” Yazoo frowned. Kadaj only spared them a snort, turning on his heels and looking out through a slit between two rotten wooden panels. “Anyway, we didn´ get nuthin las´ night. Get ya lazy asses up, we´re goin out.” “Bud it ain´t dark yet…” “Do I look like I give a shit?” the other turned around angrily. “Ain´t ya hungry or what? We havn´t had anythin´since like eva thanks ta ya brotha!” Scared, Loz decided to better keep his mouth shut for the rest of the day. Kadaj was in one of his infamous choleric moods and one better didn´t mess with him then. And besides, what he said was true, they were starving and needed some nutriment desperately. “Can ya stand?” he quietly inquired, helping his other brother up, who only nodded. Still feeling very shaky, but being to proud to admit it, Yazoo followed his brothers out into the heavily clouded afternoon to hunt for some food. ---- “What ´bout dat fella?” Loz wispered, peeking through the panels and nodding his head into the direction of a small, skinny guy hanging over a table and looking sick. “Naa. An´ shaddap, need ta concentrate.” Kadaj grunted, scaning the dark and half empty taverne for a potential victim. Yazoo was hanging next to them, finding it difficult to follow the conversation. His head was spinning like mad… “Dat one´s good.” Pointing a finger at a fat man sitting all by himself in a corner and clinging to his pot of high-proof alcohol, the youngest grinned with satisfaction, nudging his brother in the rips with a pointy elbow. “Hey, Yaz, ya seein’him?” Yazoo made an affirmative grunt, faguely noticing the blurred shadow his younger brother had picked. “Say…” the eldest asked quietly, almost wary, with a quick look at his middle brother “We ain´t hav ta… murder him…?” Tensely watching his brother as well, Kadaj waited for his reply too. Though he was kind of the leader of their little family, he was aware that he wasn´t fit for some decisions yet and left them to the middle brother. Waving a hand tiredly in dismissal, Yazoo pushed himself away from the wall. Somewhere in the back of his clouded mind a little voice told him that it wouldn´t be a very bright idea to insist on killing their victims. Releasing the breath he didn´t know he had been holding, Kadaj grabbed Loz by the arm. “Okay den, Loz´n I´ll be waitin´two alleys from here. An´hurry, I´m friggin stravin´,” With that they retreated into the alley nearby, leaving the task of pursuing the guy to follow them to the assigned place to the middle brother. Taking a deep breath, Yazoo braced himself and then slipped through the door into the smelly, dusty taverne. Since it was still too early for the sailors and fisher men to be finished with their work, the dark room was relatively empty. Thick clouds of smoke were circling around the few waxy candle cheroots, casting everything into deep shadows. Making his way on unsteady feet to the corner, the boy fell down on one of the scratched wooden benches next to the man who hadn´t acknowledged his presence yet and slurred, trailing a finger down the mans sweaty, hairy arm. “Ey, hansom´lookin´for sumthin fun?” The man grapped his finger and bent it at a painful angle, attempting to tell him to fuck off but stopped with his mouth drooling as he finally lifted his bloodshot eyes. Letting go of the finger and instead wrapping an arm around the stunning beauty that had decided to bestow her attention upon him, the bald man took a large sip from his beer, burping and being awfully friendly all of a sudden. “Sure thing. Where´d ya wanna go?” Having a hard time to not faint from the strong smell that emitted from the guys body, for it was really heavy even by Yazoos standards who was used to quite a lot, the boy tried to breath as little as possible. Still managing to summon a wry smile to his lips, he drawled “Know da perfect place, ain´t far from here…” Enduring the groping at his dress for another second, he finally rose from his seat and staggered towards the door with his victim in tow. As soon as they were out in the fresh air (when one could call the of rotten fish smelling breeze fresh…) Yazoo felt a lot better, confidently smiling at the fisherman and bidding him with his crocked finger to follow. The man was more than eager to oblige, watching the boys white bare legs with grinning anticipation. They were almost around a corner that led them away from the open ports, when a very unwelcome and familiar voice screamed at them from behind “Hey, yo! The fuckin little shit in the dress!” Freezing in action, Yazoo snapped his head around to come face to face with one angry redhead and former victim. Oh just why of all times and all people! Cursing, Yazoo decided that he´d better make a run for it and left the bald fat fisher stand where he stood dumbfoundedly. To his immense luck, his current victim didn´t seem too pleased with the redhead fucking up his chance to get a decent shag and angrily reached for the man, holding him at his collar. Not waiting for Reno to free himself from the angry man´s grip, the silver haired boy vanished into the next alley, hearing the red haired man ranting on about how the bloody fag had pulled a fast one on him, taken all his friggin money and was about to do the same to the poor fisher and that he should be fucking grateful and let go off of him now, damnit!!! Panting, Yazoo ran through the narrow alleys, that somehow looked all the same. Where had Kadaj said he was waiting? He couldn´t quite remember, dark blurs were dancing before his eyes, and he couldn´t really feel his numb feet. He didn´t know how long or where he´d run to either, but the sun was going down slowly so it must have been quite a while now. Stopping at a corner to catch his breath, he leaned heavily against a wooden wall. At least there was no sign of his pursuer. Really, how stupid could one person be, following them for half a year and through 5 cities, just to make his point that he was pissed! It wasn´t like they could pay him back or that they actually cared or something! By the time he had wasted following them, he could have easily earned back the money he had lost! Using the wall for support, Yazoo turned into another alley, his long hair hindering his view but he didn´t really care. He had to find his brothers first and make sure they were alright. Then they could try to come up with another way of obtaining food, it wasn´t like they hadn´t shoplifted before. But first… “Hey, gorgeous.” What? Did they mean him? Looking up in confusion, Yazoo could see nothing but a dark wall ahead of him. A dead end… Then this must mean that the voice had come from behind. Slowly turning around on his shaking legs, the boy tried to focus his view against the blinding light of the evening sun that was directly shining into his eyes. After narrowing his eyes, he could make out the frame of a rather corpulent figure and a sweaty smell almost made him retch out his stomache. The fisherman. And he had brought his friends. With greasy grins, about five heavily build men came towards him, lecherously eyeing the boy who slowly stumbled back until he hit the wall. Fuck, this just wasn´t his day! “Ain´t lookin´so cocky anymore are ya?” the fat fisherman drawled and the rest of his friends burst into shrill laughters. Really, Yazoo had no idea what was so funny, voicing his doubts with a low growl. He regretted it though, as a big fist connected with his stomach, making him double over. “Ain´t nice offerin´someone a good time an´ den run off…” the bald, sweaty man grinned, breathing his disgusting smell into the boys face as he bent over him and pulled him to his feet again. “No shit,” the boy sneered, earning another hit, this time to his face. Some of the guys voiced his concern for making the pretty face all ugly, but Yazoo barely heard it because the sirens were shrilling in his head again. Coughing up some blood and spitting it on the ground, the boy coldly remarked, certain that it would immediately decrease the men´s interest in him, “Sorry pals but I ain´t a friggin chick,” smirking into the mans fat face, who was still holding him up by the collar. His blood ran cold and the smirk vanished very fast, though, as the fisher graced him with a wry smile and informed him sweetly “We know, dat fella of yours told us…” And then he knew no more as the men pounced on him to release their primal instincts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ xyleel: Hm, ich würde sagen dass die drei grob geschätzt ungefähr so alt sind: Kadai: 8-9 Yazoo: 12-13 Loz: 14-16 Hab denen kein genaues Alter zugeschrieben, da das ja zu damaligen Zeiten relativ uneindeutig war und bei deren Geschichte sowieso... Hoffe du mochtest das neue Kapitel auch! ^^ Hosted by Animexx e.V. (