Potatoes, Meatballs and Tzasiki von MacRally ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: ----------- Potatoes, Meatballs and Tzasiki Shuichi opened the door a little crack and put his smiling head through it. There he was: His victim, his lover, his Yuki! He slept peacefully. As always he lay on his back. Suddenly the pinkhaired boy opened the door and flanged himself on the bed. "Yukiiii! Wake up, you've got a interview today! Yukiii!", the boy giggled and skipped on the bed. Yuki grumbled and opened his eyes reluctantly. "You're nerve-racking!", was the first thing he said and pulled the blanked away so that Shuichi fell out of the bed. "Yuki is mean to Shuichi!" he mumbled and massaged his hurting forehead. Yukis hand grabbed the alarm clock and looked at it tiredly. "Dummy, it's five o'clock! Why do you wake me up at this horrible time? You know I worked a long time yesterday!" the blond grumbled and looked at Shuichi with evil eyes. "...but you've got a interview at ten o'clock.", he defended himself. "At ten o'clock! If I get up at eight o'clock there is even enough time. Moron!", Yuki roared and turned around to sleep again. Shuichi changed his expression, then crawled into the warm bed. "What is this going to be?", Yuki grumbled and pulled the blanket around his body, "Disappear!" The pinkhaired jumped out of the bed and crept away sadly, because he just wanted to be pleasant. AT nine o'clock Yukis alarm clock rang. It was time to move away from the warm blankets. He didn't want to but it was time now. The whole morning Shuichi had watched TV bored. Now a sleepy Yuki steal out of his room. Shuichi didn't overlook that, he always knew, if Yuki was nearby him and he even knew, if Yuki watched him secretly. Now Shuichi heard the rustle of water: Yuki showered! The pinkhaired stood up and had a look through the door's crack. Because of that a towel claped into his face. "Disappear! I want to shower in peace!", Shuichi was roared again by Yuki. Well then Yuki showered, Shuichi prepared breakfast and sung "Glaring dream". Soon the blond was dressed and listened to the singing. A little smile was on his face as he saw how wanted to turn around the fried egg by a toss. "Splash" the boy boy had the egg on his face. "Raw egg supposes to be healthy for the face.", Yuki joked and then said seriously: "You're going to remove the smuttiness!" Shuichi smiled: "Yeah!" The big blond covered the table with plates and cutlery while the other one tried again to turn around the eggs- this time he didn't do it by a toss. After breakfast Yuki and to go, because he had to give an interview to his new book. "Don't destroy my house!" he threatened the littler one. "Yes, my lover!", Shuichi promised and pressed the bigger one a kiss on his mouth. "Hmpf! If you do that again your with-eggs-cared-face gets some nice violets.", then he left the house. At first Shuichi tidied up the kitchen, because he didn't want to annoy Yuki. Then he took yellow soap, because he wanted to sculpture Yuki's head. The soap became littler and littler but there were nothing that looked like a head. The first block of soap was used up and so he swore: "Shit! They all look like potatoes! I've zero talent!" Because of boredom he took Styrofoam and started working with it. After a while the whole floor was full of Styrofoam-pieces! Then the singer formed little heaps. "There looses something!", he shouted and brought his watercolors. He colored the Styrofoam-pieces and said surprised: "Meatballs!" Then he tried to create asparagus with wood. "Zero talent!" he scolded again, because it really didn't look like it. Furiously he tore the newspaper and put glue and colors to it. "Aiiiiii!", Shuichi screeched, "That looks like Tzasiki!" He took a plate and put potatoes, meatballs and Tzasiki on it. With this he wanted to decorate the table. He stumbled over the dirt and fell on the floor. The plate broke and the boy cut his arm with a fragment. He went into the bathroom and medicated the wound. Yuki opened the door and entered his house. Then he shouted: "Shuichi! I am hungry! Do you want to come with me in a restaurant?" As the little boy didn't answer, Yuki searched for him in "Yuki's Room", then in "Yuki's room of work", then he looked in the bathroom. Where is Shuichi gone? Yuki opened "Shuichi's Room". There he lay exhausted in his bed and slept. He had tidied up the whole house and had gone to bed tiredly to sleep a little until Yuki would come. Shuichi turned around and sighted blessed in sleep. Frightened Yuki closed the door and went into the kitchen. "He made something to eat?", Yuki said surprised as he saw the plate with potatoes, meatballs and Tzasiki. He got a knife and a fork and sat at the table. He was really hungry. He didn't realize that the potato -that he cut- smelled like soap. He put the soap-potato in his mouth and spit it distinguished. "Soap??? That's horrifying!" To cover up the taste he drank a full glass of juice. Then he cut his meatball and the knife and the Styrofoam screeched awfully. Then he fiddled with his fork in the Tzasiki and descried an advertisement. "SHUICHIII!!!", he shouted, "You're going to be the next one who has got an advertisement in the newspaper: A obituary notice!" Yuki stepped furiously and still hungry in Shuichi's room. "Wake up, dummy!" Shuichi yawned bravely and winked at Yuki. "Nuh? Yuki, there you are!" "Why did you fool me with that food???", Yuki shouted. "I was bored but I tidied up..." "I ate it!" "You ate my art?" "Is there nothing else you have to tell me?!" "You can't eat it, it's artificial! ...Yuki?" Yuki stood there, his face didn't tell anything about his currently feeling. "Go out!", he screamed and showed with his outstretched arm in the door's direction. "Go outside!" "But, but...", Shuichi stuttered but he couldn't say anything for his defense, because Yuki had shocked him that much. "Go out!" The pinkhaired still lay on his bed. The other one grabbed his arm. "Ouuuuuch!", Shuichi cried, because Yuki dragged at the arm, he had hurt before. Tears rose in the young singer's big eyes: "Ouuuuuuch!" Suddenly Yukis stomach roared and he let go. Shuichi fell on the floor and squalled because of the pain. He looked at his hand which was wound with a bandage. Blood drenched the bandage and dripped on the floor. "Shuichi", Yukis voice sounded and he kneel down to him, "You're bleeding!" Shuichii nodded silently, while further tears rolled down on his pants. Yuki unbuttoned his shirt and Shuichi wondered: "That's not the right time now!" "Dummy!", Yuki said and wound Shuichis hand with his shirt. "You stay here!", Yuki ordered and disappeared. "Yuki? Yuki!", Shuichi shouted desperately. "I am back!", Yuki said and stood with a new shirt dressed at the door. "Come on, I'll take you to hospital." Yuki stretched out his hand and the little one grabbed it to get up. He didn't let go until the blond sat him into the car and left. Suddenly Yuki made a curve to the right side and stopped at a drive-in. "That's not the hospital!", Shuichi meant and looked at Yuki. Yuki ordered while his stomach roared again. "But I am hungry!", Yuki explained and took the food, then paid. He drove to hospital at sent Shuichi to the doctor while he would ate his burger. The food was empty now for a long time as a sad looking Shuichi came out of the room where he was medicated. "What is up?", Yuki asked skeptically. "I have to stay one night to take care for me. In case the joint cracks, furthermore I've lost a lot of blood, the doctor says.", he stared at the floor diffidently. "Sorry, now you're shirt is ruined." "Then you'll buy a new one!" Shuichi nodded and smiled again. A nurse showed them the room in which the singer should sleep. "Are you still angry? I mean because of the food..." "Hmm...", Yuki mumbled instead giving an answer. "Sorry!", Shuichi mumbled. The blond grabbed after his healthy hand and showed a little smile on his face: "You have got really zero talent!" "Nuh?" "You even don't know how to cook!" Shuichi smiled and looked at Yuki. His face came closer to the boy's one who felt the soft, regular breath on his face. "Just now you're a little bit cute!" "I can't understand any english!", Shuichi wanted say but then he felt Yukis lips on his own. His stomach tickled and his hand pressed Yuki one's. "I still need my hand!", Yuki said seriously, after they broke away. "Oh!", Shuichi removed his hand and looked at his blanket shyly. But he knew that Yuki smiled without needing to see it. "Hey!", Yuki said, "Are you hungry? It's late!" "Hmm...", Shuichi mumbled. "Anyway I am going to eat now!", he already got up and left the room. "Yuki!", the pinkhaired stood up, too and walked behind the bigger one. They took a menu card and sat down at a table in a corner. The service arrived and said: "Today I can recommend potatoes, meatballs and tzasiki." Yuki changed his expression while Shuichi laughed out loud: "No, thanks!" Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)