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The Way To A Man's Treasure



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I wrote this little fairy tale for my English lessons. The main task was to link sentences and make them coherent. We were not supposed to write more than 350 words, which is why it is so short. Because I love "One Piece" I simply could not resist to write a pirate's tale. Although I feared that my teacher would declare me nuts, he actually liked my story *laughs*.

Of course "One Piece" does not belong to me *sighs*, but some other brilliant guys!


The Way To A Man's Treasure Is Through His Stomach

(April Eagle)

Once upon a time, there was a greedy pirate. It was said that he had gained incredible treasures while he had sailed the seven seas. Therefore many villains, bounty hunters and even his own crew had tried to steal those riches from him, but he had only laughed them in the face and had always been able to escape with his big ship.

Then one day when he was anchored at a harbour in a small kingdom, a young man came to him. After having smoked a cigarette for five minutes and thus having almost driven the pirate mad with his silence, the stranger finally started to speak.

"My vessel broke during the storm last night. May I come with you? I can reward you royally."

The pirate studied the stranger thoughtfully before he agreed. Although he was not comfortable with the smoker who seemed to be so arrogant, he still wanted the money offered for it could grant him more of his most secret desire: food.

That's why the young man found him at his lunch the next day when they were about to sail. Quickly, the passenger looked around and suddenly stood behind the eating man, holding a knife in his hand.

"Give me your treasures!"

He pushed the cold steel dangerously close to the pirate's neck and glanced over the meal before him. At first, he had wanted to make sure that the captain would not attack him with his fork, but then he saw what was pierced by it and felt sick at once.

"You're really eating this?"

Disbelievingly, he lowered his knife and poked at the already green shimmering meat. Sadly, the still hungry man nodded and told him that he would give up all his treasures for a well-roasted steak. After hearing those mournful words, the stranger confessed that in fact he was a chef. Instantly, the pirate gave him all his gold and from that moment on they ate and cooked happily ever after.




Kommentare zu diesem Kapitel (2)

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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  little_sunshine
2009-12-09T21:34:00+00:00 09.12.2009 22:34
stimmt ungewohnt wenn man mal die Wörterzahl der anderen ankuckt...^^
musste echt mal kucken was das jetzt is ^^
und wuhuu ne one Piece Story und *kicher* ich hab sie gelesen, OBWOHL sie Englisch war.
dein Englisch is echt gut (sagte die, die Englisch nicht mochte) und die Story is echt gut ^.^

scheint wohl dein Stil zu sein, gute Storys zu schreiben *kicher*

LG sunny
Von: abgemeldet
2006-08-08T11:53:18+00:00 08.08.2006 13:53
Es ist wirklich eine ungewohnt kurze Geschichte für deine Verhältnisse. Aber gut.
