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King_of_Sharks   [Zeichner-Galerie] Upload: 20.11.2019 00:43

More stories and information about my OCs: @starry.waters auf Instagram


Fuyuki wouldn't let Riku kiss him until they were a couple...although they had done a lot of other things at this point.
In this picture the star cell phone charm Fuyuki gave to Riku on his birthday is also visible.

The story behind it:
(Rat & Nezumi are both nicknames Riku goes by)

It's Rat's birthday and the Omegas in the club prepared a few things for him, but Fuyuki didn't know about it, since he's so shut in and doesn't keep in touch with anyone.

Rat: *enters the room and is immediately swarmed by the members *
A-kun: Happy birthday! *hugs him and the rest follows *
Fuyuki: *sits in the back and observes them * //So it's his birthday...and they all have presents for him? They sure like him a lot.// *sighs and feels bad because he doesn't have anything *
Rat: *thanks all of them, but notices that one member is missing *
Fuyuki: *their eyes meet and he looks away, pouting and crosses his arms *
Rat: Can I get a hug from you, too? *bright smile *
Fuyuki: Hmpf. *doesn't get up *
B-kun: If you want more hugs, you can have as many as you want!
C-kun: From me too! *hugs him again *
A-kun: *does the same *
Fuyuki: //See? He doesn't need me. He has a lot of people around him and they all are way skinnier and prettier than me anyways.// *looks down *
Rat: *is happy that they like him so much, but still wants a hug from Fuyuki *

The next day at lunch break

Fuyuki: //I can't believe I'm doing this.// *on his way to Nezumi's classroom * //But I'd feel bad if I didn't do this...//
Rat: *sitting on his chair, eating the lunch Mizuki made him * //Hmmm~//
Fuyuki: *observes him from the door with a sachet in his hand * //You can do this!//
Rat: *has his mouth full *
Fuyuki: *closes his eyes, breathes in and rushes into the classroom * ...because I didn't have anything yesterday. *stretches his arm out to hand the present over * It's nothing much and I had two of them anyways!
Rat: *blinks overwhelmed and takes it *
Fuyuki: Bye! *rushes out again with his heart pounding at his chest * //Omg that was so embarrassing!// *didn't pay attention to Nezumi's classmates, but can imagine *
Rat: //I want to know what's in there right away!// *reads what's written on the outside of the sachet *
[_Although I'm late: Happy Birthday ☆_]
/He's got such a neat handwriting.// *opens it and a charm with a black and a grey star fall into his hand * //Uh, pretty~// *takes his phone out of his pocket and attaches the charm to it * //Hehe~ ^ _ ^// *is now the happiest guy alive with his mom's lunch and an unexpected present from a cute guy *


Mehr FanArts und Cosplays von mir: king.of.sharks

Shōnen-Ai, Schulen und Internate, Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club

Computer Grafik, Computer koloriert, Vektorgrafik

Eigener Charakter, Eigener Charakter



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