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Ptilol   [Zeichner-Galerie] Upload: 10.10.2005 10:06
I decided to color it... :)

I don't like the floor and walls. I might change them later.

I know that I forgot her gloves. ^^;

Thanks for the comments! The ribbons are really long because I thought they looked prettier that way. ^^; They are too long though. And I'm not sure why I drew that dot on her hand. O.o;
Tales of ...

Computer koloriert

Sheena Fujibayashi


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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  Chrishna
2005-10-10T17:43:00+00:00 10.10.2005 19:43
Hey, this is great! *__*
The colors are so soft, I really like that. The Cel-Shading is well done. The walls, the floor, her hair... just perfect! ^__^
Nevertheless I need to complain something. What is the dot on Sheena's hand for? And the bandage is quite too long ;)
Von:  Shigeru
2005-10-10T16:16:35+00:00 10.10.2005 18:16
I don't know what's your problem with the walls, they look great. Good structure, realistic shades.. But the floor is a little blurred I think. Sheena herself s colored very well, but the hair is more detailed than the rest, so it looks kind of over-done (you know what I mean? even though everything is colored cell shading style, the hair looks over-emphasized), that's nothing too important, but perhaps next time you might want to change that :) Anything else is without mistakes or something like that, but her band.. or, the ends of her band are a little long, aren't they ?;)... urgh.. again, talking with no end.. still, I like it^^