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yeyavailability   [Zeichner-Galerie] Upload: 01.11.2007 19:31
I was bored in class, thus this was pencilated. Coloured it out of boredom. Themen:
Shaman King, Fullmetal Alchemist

Computer Grafik, Computer koloriert

Zeke / Hao Asakura, Envy


Kommentare (23)
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Von:  LittleSara
2007-11-02T19:01:34+00:00 02.11.2007 20:01
Your Pic is really cool!
Especially the coloration, is awesome! OO

But I also think that the Hand is a little bit too small and the lower part of the body also. ^^' It's just a bit, but jear, I realised it. XD

But all in all it's really awesome! And this pairig-idea is great! XD (I like both of them! ^^)

Von:  Voja
2007-11-02T18:58:32+00:00 02.11.2007 19:58
wohar great =D
hrn, I think their hands are a lil bit to small ö.ö
the coloration is awesome x3~

Von:  Puiya
2007-11-02T15:42:44+00:00 02.11.2007 16:42
wow, that´s a really great picture^^
I like the way how you colorated the hairs and the colothes^^...
It looks fantastic!!
I give you a 1.
Von:  aprimira
2007-11-02T13:50:00+00:00 02.11.2007 14:50
what an amazing pic ö//ö
it's very good and I like the coloration ö//ö
it looks like an anime scene >//<
I love this pic and I give you the best mark and put it in my favourite list
Sry but my english isn't very well xDD
the sayuviech
Von:  Spunky
2007-11-02T12:37:10+00:00 02.11.2007 13:37
Ouuuh *___*
That's beautiful x3
Von: abgemeldet
2007-11-01T19:49:36+00:00 01.11.2007 20:49
awwww, your pics are so wonderful*_____*
moi luv it>3
Von:  Florastiel
2007-11-01T19:14:40+00:00 01.11.2007 20:14
its so wonderful!
I love your pics!!
Von:  Untertage
2007-11-01T18:59:59+00:00 01.11.2007 19:59
So cute!!! *_______*
I love Hao and Envy!!
Von:  Morphin
2007-11-01T18:58:57+00:00 01.11.2007 19:58
Whoa, this looks awesome. And the colorations look as if it was taken as screenshot from an anime.
Looks nearly perfect, but I think the hands are a little bit too small.
I'm sorry for my lousy english, but I think one can understand it

Von:  nagisa700
2007-11-01T18:58:40+00:00 01.11.2007 19:58
oh mein gott ist das ein geiles bild