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HKigeki   [Zeichner-Galerie] Upload: 09.06.2009 08:04
Spontaneously, tonight I got all nostalgic when I came across one of Oniko-chan's lovely line arts http://animexx.onlinewelten.com/fanart/zeichner/320846/1331402/
It had been such a long time when I last colored her work. Brings back a lot of memories from the good old anime.de times (~w~)

Awww, Dear, I really loved the way you did these outlines ^///^ I have always been marveling about how you draw hair and eyes, so beautiful! *_* Sorry for coloring without telling, but I was totally overwhelmed with the thought and just started brushing. ^_^"
Thank you for drawing these outlines *cuddles all over!*

Wish you the very best, my Dear Oniko-chan!
Ninjii! *chu*
weiblicher Charakter

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Von:  Lymiel
2009-06-09T06:26:44+00:00 09.06.2009 08:26
*------* das ist schön