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Beloved Blood Demon

Zeichner: LadyKagome1542   -   [Dōjinshi]
Erstellt: 04.08.2023
Neueste Seite: 25.06.2024
Nicht abgeschlossen
Thema: Doujinshi
Stichwörter: Fantasy, Drama, Romantik
Kategorie: Epos
Leserichtung: Japanisch
Kapitel: 4
Seiten: 76
  • Seiten: 18
    Neueste Seite: 26.09.2023
    Status: Abgeschlossen
  • Seiten: 46
    Neueste Seite: 25.06.2024
    Status: Abgeschlossen
  • Seiten: 10
    Neueste Seite: 23.04.2024
    Status: Abgeschlossen
  • Seiten: 2
    Neueste Seite: 24.05.2024
    Status: Nicht abgeschlossen

Once upon a time..., That's how fairy tales start and end and if they haven't died.... This fairy tale, however, is not a good night story to be told to children. This fairy tale is very different...

Once upon a time in the realm of the South there lived a good and gentle ruler, though he possessed the blood of a demon who went by the horrifying name; Hellwolf, the lord was of the essence an angel, a benefactor and as was his heart, so was the land kind and a paradise for his people. However, should it become corrupt and dark, so would the land. One day the young ruler fell in love with a graceful pure she-wolf like himself, but more beautiful than the stars and all the jewels of the realm.

Soon the wedding time took place and the queen became pregnant. The couple was very happy about the child, but a prophecy of the high priest clouded their joy... The child that was to be born would not only bring misfortune to the family, but to the whole kingdom.

The king laughed disparagingly and chased the wise man away, what nonsense he was talking...But soon he was to get the receipt for his arrogance. For on the day of the birth it happened.

The moon was as red as blood and cast a black shadow over the land...The queen gave birth to a little puppy in terrible pain...But what was it?..It had neither the white fur of its father nor the bright violet eyes of its mother...The puppy was blood-red with blood -red eyes....it also had the ears and tail of an animal...not at all worthy of a high ranking demon...The parents were amazed but were still happy until his wife got worse by the minute...sometime after a few hours the queen was so weak she couldn't even breathe. She told her last will and testament to the king and a little girl they had taken in...Her son was to be saved from death at all costs...

Slowly her hand sank one last time to her beloved's cheeks before she closed her eyes forever, whereupon the king's heart broke and with it all his goodness.

He sank into bitterness, grief and rage...the wise man was right...that cursed brat...that unlucky messenger...he could not even look at his son and began to loathe the child...He, the country...the people...everything lost its meaning and he gave himself completely over to darkness.

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