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Video: AniNite 2012 - „Edi Late Night Christiansen -- Samstag Teil 2"

Von: Roman_Pataki (Edi Edhutschek)
Datum: 28.10.2012, 16:23
Länge: 12:16 Minuten
Kategorie: Cons/Interviews
Beschreibung: Welcome to our late night talk straight from the AniNite 2012 in Vienna, Austria. Like last year the convention gave us the opportunity to hold the late night show on their main stage, right in front of the audience. And of course we take this chance to sit down with our guest and to talk away a little bit. This time people from the fandubbing studio and community "Amatory Studio" join our show. So of course the topic for this night was all around dubbing and foreign Animedubs in common.

Together with MochiPunch, studio manager of Amatory; Fallonmoon, board moderator on their forums, Darkexy, also a production member of Amatory as well as members of the "Die Con ist Heiss" KREW we try to figure out the fine art of dubbing an Anime and why most of the commercial Dubs are so terribly undervalued.
The first part of this late night talk includes a short clip form the Anime Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 voiced by the members of Amatory Studio. You can find the whole clip here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EkhdpVD18U&feature=plcp and in case you do not like it, please use the skip button instead of being a hater. :)
In case you do not watch this via a playlist check out the other parts for this Edi Late Night Christiansen:


As well, as all the other "Edi Late Night Christiansen"

Further we want to thank the people at AniNite (http://www.aninite.at) for their wonderful support.

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