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It's Showtime!



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I think I lost myself

on the way of becoming an adult.

Instead of growing up

I became everyone around

I suddenly feel so empty

And it's so empty around me.

There will never be a way

to be

Or to become one person

I dissolve in this crowd

Being just one big mass of feelings

And when you leave the stage

It is all gone

Is this everything there is?

An everlasting Showtime?

Serve my heart on your table

The hole in my chest filled with some stuffing

Today it's chrimas time.

Serve the table

Eat it up!

I'm stuck.

Stuck in this illusion...

-that became my worst nightmare

Stuck in this world....

-that has no end

My dreams dissapeared

together with everything I felt before

It's like cold winter air

You can't hold in your hand

But your hand gets numb

after a while

first it hurts

then it's just numb...

I'm stuck to this

No answer given to me is true

No question asked was real

My pain just disapeared

And I was happy

My happiness disapeared

And I was sad

My sadness dissapeard

And suddenly the pain returned

Like burning my soul

The fire eating my heart

Eating everything I ever had

Alice, alice that ran

And feel into her illusion

Of a paradise turning into a nightmare

Of time

turning to sand...

Sand of an endless desert

meaning nothing.


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